Lets relate this to now

Noches March 23, 2020 6:56 pm

Im reading the comments and everyone wants the war to end right?
But if we say marlyerns were black people, do they have a right to enslave every single no color(white)?
What I want to know if the elidians (white) have a right to fight back? Just because the past them did something wrong, does the present them have to pay for it? Think now, does black people have the right to disrespect white people because the past white enslaved, took away their culture, and life? Does your present self need to pay for what your past self did? Does your present self need revenge because your past self was hurt?
I was just wondering

    Momo chwan March 23, 2020 11:35 pm

    Yes we need revenge

    MEEKYMEEKS1 March 27, 2020 1:16 am
    Yes we need revenge Momo chwan

    Most definitely

    Miwa April 2, 2020 8:41 am
    Most definitely MEEKYMEEKS1

    Revenge is childish. Like the folks in the manga, everyone needs to come together and work toward a better future. Fight the system, not each other.

    Narutoswife April 7, 2020 4:29 am

    Um yes wtf kinda question is that

    Noches April 7, 2020 3:53 pm

    I'm literally a person of color (I'm black) but I was just wondering if the world should be in war because of revenge. and do other races have to pick side(Asians, indians etc)
    Sorry for being curious about war. Because humans tend to talk when all the bullets have run out. And I was wondering if the current generation wanted to stop the current cycle of hate(a white person killed a person of color, so a person of color killed a white person...and so on) but it seems I was mistaken(i thought we were bigger people)

    Noches April 7, 2020 3:58 pm

    I was also wondering(i'm a curious person) do people weigh sins like if I killed someone or stole a lollipop from a baby is that on the same level? and can't people change their way of thinking....... like if I stole something important and i now advocate against it am I a hypocrite or can I just now realize that what I did in the past was wrong so now i chose to tell other people that it is wrong