It may sounds absurd but I’m really proud of the creator of this yaoi. I’m a girl and ...

Xiumbby March 23, 2020 1:03 pm

It may sounds absurd but I’m really proud of the creator of this yaoi. I’m a girl and have the same problem with my body hair (+ bullying and so on) and I don’t understand people saying that this is a bad plot. People lose confidence because of how they look and shaving is not always an option for people with many body hair. It’s growing so fast you are lucky if it doesn’t grow in 2 days :(. I really like this yaoi and I hope y’all won’t rate it bad because it includes problems some people have and it’s NOT absurd.

    Anonymous March 23, 2020 3:25 pm

    Hormones problems maybe?

    Bunny lord March 23, 2020 4:35 pm

    I also have the same problem :( Like I always have so much body hair, especially on my legs!, arms, back, and you can see my tiny mustache too if I don't shave it. But it's hard to because it grows again hella fast. That's why I always try to cover it up by wearing pants even if I want to wear shorts. It's hard :(