Assuming that most writers portray incest and prostitution in a way that makes the readers feel remorse then I assume George R.R. Martin also wrote those scenes to get his readers to feel the same way. Pedophilia is a real and valid thing that leaves the victims traumatized for years on end. And writing it in such a way that portrays child victims as predators rather than prey perpetuates the type of thinking that children are viable to give consent and insinuate sexual advances. Being repulsed by the normalization and romanticization of pedophilia is how a notmal human being should feel. And for fucks sake, just type in 'A Song of Fire and Ice', you don't need to prestige jargon yourself into winning an argument.

if you dont like it, then dont read it, dont go in here commenting about it, just like how you dont know about game of thrones, leave this story alone, move on, easy as that, no need to shove your god given "comment" in here. how its disgusting this disgusting that, when in reality, it happened, in fiction it still happened, it is set like this for a reason wether you appreciate it or not. if you dont want it, get out, its as easy as that, it didnt hurt you, so dont hurt it.

But she can still criticize an element of the story that makes her uncomfortable. Shes just pointing about how the author is treating the topic of pedophilia in a weird way. I hate the,” iF yOu dOnT LiKE iT dOnT rEaD iT” argument when someone criticizes something about a story. Shes allowed to read the story and still criticizes the things she doesnt like about it.
Did anyone else feel some type of way when reading chase and joel's scenes? I personally don't have enough daddy issues find it acceptable that a grown ass man is swooning over someone who's practically still a teen. And he's a police officer too ffs.