Looking for this manga

YuuSha83 March 22, 2020 6:14 pm

Hello I am searching for this manga but I couldn't remember much about it. What I can remember is that it is about unrequited love.It is about a guy who has crush on his best friend but he was afraid to confess. I think it is because he afraid that his friend rejected him and his friend cannot even accept him as a friend anymore . And the only thing that i remember is that guy say to his friend that he already got a boyfriend (I dont remember why he lie but I think he lie bcs he dont want his friend to worry about him , then when his friend ask his 'boyfriend' if they are a couple his ' boyfriend ' said that they are not . Then his friend knows that , that guy lie to him. I think that the friend is concern about that guy that's why he ask 'the boyfriend ' again . I dont remember why that guy lie to his friend , maybe he afraid that his friend will know that he like him and I dont remember what happen after that . Thanks in advance

    Michi March 22, 2020 7:21 pm

    Maybe it's "elektel delusion"?