you didn't ask for it, but here's a spoiler if you want XD
The kids actually loved her in her first life, but they didn't know how to show it. The kids loathed her at first because they thought that she had stolen their dad, and that she was replacing their mom, and Jeremy also disliked her because Shuri apparently was already with another guy, a month after his dad's death. We find out, however, that Shuri had fake lovers to ward off her mom and also to protect their household. By the time the kids had decided that she was good person afterall, it was too late. Their relationship had gotten so bad, and Shuri would misinterpret/misunderstand their actions of reconciliation (the scene in the prologue where she was walking up the stairs while the kids looked up at her, sending a paper plane, was to symbolized them trying to reach out to her). Anyways, it's a lie that Jeremy didn't want Shuri in his wedding. It was that fiance, her dad, and evil relatives idea. In reality, Jeremy really wanted Shuri in the wedding because the kids wanted to surprise her at Jeremy's wedding, by finally calling her "Mom" for the first time. She died on her way there though because of the shitty trio I mentioned TT_TT.
I really admire Shuri, she is really loyal and you can tell that she really loves the children. The story is shown in her perspective, so you really tell the disconnect that she has with the children's real feelings of love for her. Of course, it's not her fault, the were pretty mean to her. Also, all those years wasn't just all bad relationship; there was that scene with them playing in the snow etc. I won't doubt for a second that she would leave the kids.
So my memory is a little fuzzy from the beginning (before she died in the original life), so correct me if i got things wrong here... but if i were transported back in time after being treated like that by the family (the kids) so poorly i would have no motivation to be nice to them. i guess i'm just a shittier person than the FL, and i felt like her death was kinda fishy??? like what about jeremy's to be wife then she was full of red flags and the way she spoke to her I would just think that's how jeremy viewed her and wanted her dead??