The only thing Inhun is worse than Seungho is him being fake. He always acts virtuous and ...

ERomantica March 21, 2020 3:25 pm

The only thing Inhun is worse than Seungho is him being fake. He always acts virtuous and moral, pretending to care for his students, while in fact he doesn’t give a shit about them. He gave Nakyum false hope and use Nakyum’s affection to achieve his self-interest. Whereas Seungho doesn’t give a shit what others would think about him and he does what he wants, and he’s starting to feel something for my baby.

Thhe thing i have problem with is that some of you are blaming Inhun for his act of “victim blaming, victing shaming, victim exploitation and mental abuse”. You also blamed him for physically abusing Nakyum (chapter 34) and for manipulating Nakyum to do his biddings.

Yet when Seungho did the same thing- the manipulation (he took advantage of Nakyum’s affection for his teacher), the physical abuse (he slapped Nakyum’s face, broke Nakyum’s nose), and even worse the obvious rape-till-exhaustion, you overlook his wrongdoings on grounds of historical setting. As far as i’m concerned, a mere half a century ago victim blaming was the norm in a lot of countries. If you got raped, you’d be a slut and people wouldn’t feel bad calling you so. Teachers using corporal punishment was encouraged, especially with the use of rod and verbal abuse. Some even made their students kneel on spiky objects till their knees bleed and bruise, or slapped them in the face, and other more humiliating kinds. The saying “spare the rod, spoil the child” was very prevalent.

In sum, Seungho and Inhun has a lot in common. What Inhun did was historically acceptable and nowhere as horrible as that of Seungho. So i think it’s kinda hypocritical to despise Inhun for those things and not Seungho, because at this point what Seungho did is still worse and he hasn’t done anywhere near enough to make up for it.

    Seunghoe March 21, 2020 3:50 pm

    The only thing?! ONLY THING?! Dude, are you stupid?

    ERomantica March 21, 2020 3:54 pm
    The only thing?! ONLY THING?! Dude, are you stupid? Seunghoe

    Tell me what other horrible things Inhun did to Nakyum that Seungho hasn’t then, besides the things i mentioned :|

    Seunghoe March 21, 2020 3:57 pm
    Tell me what other horrible things Inhun did to Nakyum that Seungho hasn’t then, besides the things i mentioned :| ERomantica

    Idk how can u be so fucking blind. Whatever, I'm not gonna waste my time with someone like you (︶︿︶)=凸

    ERomantica March 21, 2020 4:03 pm
    Idk how can u be so fucking blind. Whatever, I'm not gonna waste my time with someone like you (︶︿︶)=凸 Seunghoe

    Or rather you are not able to name one lol. Until you can then :).

    Basic Dickhead March 21, 2020 7:38 pm
    Idk how can u be so fucking blind. Whatever, I'm not gonna waste my time with someone like you (︶︿︶)=凸 Seunghoe

    What are you so worked up for? ERomantica did nothing but be respectful from the start lmao

    Seunghoe March 21, 2020 7:55 pm

    Only stupid bitches say that Inhun is not that bad and SH is much worse.

    AsaNisaMasa March 21, 2020 9:25 pm
    Only stupid bitches say that Inhun is not that bad and SH is much worse. Seunghoe

    1. You are rude. Grow up
    2. No one said that Inhun is not that bad. Only that his wrongdoings are still smaller than SH's. But he is an asshole too.

    Camoy_05 March 22, 2020 1:31 am
    Idk how can u be so fucking blind. Whatever, I'm not gonna waste my time with someone like you (︶︿︶)=凸 Seunghoe

    HAHAHA, well, I won’t hate u ‘cause I love your comments (=・ω・=) and yeah, Inhun is the worst, though, I accept other opinions :b

    1evis1ittlea$$hole March 23, 2020 11:20 am

    Thank god, someone with common sense.