A simple shoujo (slice of life) with super badass female characters but...

Kitajima March 21, 2020 3:31 pm

Imo the story had some good moments but I still didn't like some stuff happening there like: the father molesting his child every now and then for the sake of comedy (wtf?!) and not just the father, all the boys/ men are basically fuck boys since all they think about is sex/rape/molestation... Etc and not to mention the sexist comments (like saying shame on you for being beat up by a woman. The fuck?) even with 99% of the characters in this manga being super badass women.
I also hated to see the author say that he saw Mahiru as a guy while he was drawing her. Does he mean that there aren't women out there like her? Is it really that hard to imagine that women are normal people?
Such a shame, since I actually liked it. But I guess that's why I was so upset about that stuff.

    pansexual May 30, 2021 2:38 am

    sorry I don't want to dislike :(