... is or at least was one of my favorite webtoons and I always felt happy and looked forward to reading a new chapter. But lately it's making me so unhappy. Normally I am not affected by stuff like this but the situation sucks so much and the last chapter (where he asks for you-know-who) made me genuinely unhappy. Can someone please spoil me and tell me when he'll remember her? Like... Does anyone know in which chapter it'll happen?
I would have preferred if they followed the novel instead of making us go through this hell. This hurts too much. I think I need to temporarily drop this till Lucas comes back.
I would have preferred if they followed the novel instead of making us go through this hell. This hurts too much. I think I need to temporarily drop this till Lucas comes back. Lovely Angel 15
I feel you, really. It's very painful to read right now. I am also thinking about dropping it for the time being...
... is or at least was one of my favorite webtoons and I always felt happy and looked forward to reading a new chapter. But lately it's making me so unhappy. Normally I am not affected by stuff like this but the situation sucks so much and the last chapter (where he asks for you-know-who) made me genuinely unhappy. Can someone please spoil me and tell me when he'll remember her? Like... Does anyone know in which chapter it'll happen?