Isn't she supposed to be a housewife ? Isn't she supposed to be a mother ? Wasn't she a gr...

JulyInAugust March 19, 2020 4:02 pm

Isn't she supposed to be a housewife ? Isn't she supposed to be a mother ? Wasn't she a grown up woman with a husband and a daughter ?
Why is she reacting like a teenager ? How is she unable to recognize she is in love ?

It always annoyed me, this damn trope where the character are in love but think "oh no ! What could this feeling be ?!!" kind of crap.
But hey, they are teenagers, so it's apparently okay if they are morons. But here it's crossing the line. If you is a housewife with a family there's no way she can be a idiot who can understand the feeling of love.

    JulyInAugust March 19, 2020 4:05 pm

    Thanks autocorrect for turning my last "can't" to "can", I really appreciate it.

    matchestick March 20, 2020 1:07 am

    I hope you do notice that it has a shoujo tag before you start reading this. Otherwise you wont be shocked by the plot.

    pattycake March 20, 2020 2:40 am

    yes she should realized but she is also repeating life so she dealing with teen hormones again

    Saya March 20, 2020 6:48 am

    I know she had a child, but did she also have a husband???

    matchestick March 20, 2020 3:44 pm
    yes she should realized but she is also repeating life so she dealing with teen hormones again pattycake

    hahaha you might be right XD it must be the teen hormones lmao

    JulyInAugust April 29, 2020 8:56 pm
    I hope you do notice that it has a shoujo tag before you start reading this. Otherwise you wont be shocked by the plot. matchestick

    My bad. You are right, shoujo mean girl so the the characters have to be as stupid as the readers.
    We should tell Vampire Knight they are not a shoujo then.

    matchestick May 1, 2020 2:43 am
    My bad. You are right, shoujo mean girl so the the characters have to be as stupid as the readers.We should tell Vampire Knight they are not a shoujo then. JulyInAugust

    Vampire knight has drama tag dumb ass. You can see that this story is mild with the tags . If you don't appreciate the story then don't read retard. You are being oblivious to the hard work of the authors and translators.
    What's worse than the plot, a trying hard prick who thinks she's above others just from a few criticisms she noticed. Grow up loser

    Chi May 1, 2020 1:34 pm
    Vampire knight has drama tag dumb ass. You can see that this story is mild with the tags . If you don't appreciate the story then don't read retard. You are being oblivious to the hard work of the authors and t... matchestick

    Don't you think your being the childish one, everybody has a right to have an opinion. They have a point if the story doesnt fit it just doesnt fit, there are plenty of shoujo that star compelling characters and well written stories saying shoujo is meant to be stupid is an insult to women in general. Excepting everything as valid doesnt make you better it just means you have no discernment for taste.

    matchestick May 2, 2020 10:57 am
    Don't you think your being the childish one, everybody has a right to have an opinion. They have a point if the story doesnt fit it just doesnt fit, there are plenty of shoujo that star compelling characters an... Chi

    Pretty childish? I just give the opposing party sentiments aligned to her manners. When you read alot of genres you also need a mild story to balance your taste. This kinds of stories are pretty popular to young girls after all. In fact Im a fan of it myself when I was a kid because Im not yet familiar with emotions such as love so it brings me nostalgia to read this kind of stories. Furthermore, there are alot of variables to consider since we are still in the early chapters. Kinda funny when you see comments like this as if their not giving it a chance.

    You say everyone has a right to have an opinion. My opinion is that just because of that if she thinks that darn "trope" unconciousness of one's feelings is stupid, then don't read. What if the people involved in this work sees this? Some people actually like these kinds of stories and the providers may just cease the project as it is.

    JulyInAugust May 29, 2020 12:50 am
    Pretty childish? I just give the opposing party sentiments aligned to her manners. When you read alot of genres you also need a mild story to balance your taste. This kinds of stories are pretty popular to youn... matchestick

    You do realize I never criticized the whole story, but just a particular point right ?
    Why am I being attacked like I said the whole story is trash and insulted the author ? xD

    Back to the topic, I only talked about a trope I hate, but if they really like this trope then they should be aware it only "work" with innocent type. A woman who already had experience of love, slept with a man and had a child can't be oblivious to her own feelings.

    And for others feelings, I didn't insult anyone, I didn't say the story was trash, I didn't say I hated this part without explaining why, what I did was criticize a specific point. If someone can't take criticism then they shouldn't publish their work for other to see.
    Mentally stable people are usually capable of taking criticism you know ? The ones who inspire people are generally those who use constructive criticism to better their work btw.

    And lastly... Seriously why would anyone stop an entire project because of one comment who don't even mention if the story is good or not as a whole ?

    JulyInAugust May 29, 2020 12:52 am
    I know she had a child, but did she also have a husband??? Saya

    Well if she is a housewife I assumed she must have a husband bringing money home. She was a housewife right ? I don't remember.