Why is this trope so common? Guy: "Oh, she's a Virgin! Suddenly I feel so attracted to her...

Lauvil March 19, 2020 1:23 pm

Why is this trope so common?
Guy: "Oh, she's a Virgin! Suddenly I feel so attracted to her, where I might not have before. I actually find her so irresistible that I want to force myself onto her, whether she is interested or not".
Girl: "I'm practically getting raped, but because he's handsome it doesn't actually feel too bad, and now I'm kind of falling in love with him. Tihi"

Like, I get this is smut, but you know what the most sexy thing in the world is? It's CONSENT.

    Oden March 20, 2020 5:51 am

    thanks for the warning, aint gonna read this

    DiKitto March 20, 2020 11:53 am

    Except it wasn't like that? I mean yeah at the beginning it seems that way, but that wasn't his reason for doing it with her. How much did you actually read?

    Lauvil March 20, 2020 12:43 pm
    Except it wasn't like that? I mean yeah at the beginning it seems that way, but that wasn't his reason for doing it with her. How much did you actually read? DiKitto


    I'm sure they explain it away as him 'always having had an eye for her' or 'having been in love with her all along' or something, later.

    However his reason for wanting her, doesn't change the fact that he raped her.
    No matter how much they try to romantisize or downplay it; Rape is rape.
    They fact that so many authors does this, is my problem and what I'm criticising.

    Aktwu March 20, 2020 4:12 pm
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    Fully agree with op, never mind that he had a crush on her... still should have confessed and then do whatever they want after there’s consent from both sides

    Aktwu March 21, 2020 12:26 am
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    :( same,, wished we could actually have smut with a decent storyline or sth

    Lauvil March 21, 2020 3:56 am
    Fully agree with op, never mind that he had a crush on her... still should have confessed and then do whatever they want after there’s consent from both sides Aktwu

    Exactly what I mean! Thank you <3

    I'll say that forceful behaviour can be quite sexy, if that is what you are into AND have agreed to. But Again, here the important factor is: Consent!

    If you're on the same page I say go for whatever style of play you want, even if what you like is rape-play. But this does NOT work without extensive communication, prediscussed agreements and safe words!
    Which this manga doesn't have...

    Lynnjha April 3, 2020 8:27 pm
    thanks for the warning, aint gonna read this Oden

    Lolol xD yup don't read it. Ridiculous