Well I don't know why all the hate to some people who take their time to bring us all a manhwa that we like... If a manhwa has a fansub working on it but it's slow or not, but another person wants to work on it, they have the same right to do so. The only person who owns the work is the artist and the legal sites... Not the fansub or anybody else. So in my opinion it's a very bad thing to send hate to any person working for free to share thing that other can't buy or can't understand in it's original language... Please don't be haters... Sorry for my English, isn't my language...
Well I don't know why all the hate to some people who take their time to bring us all a manhwa that we like... If a manhwa has a fansub working on it but it's slow or not, but another person wants to work on it, they have the same right to do so. The only person who owns the work is the artist and the legal sites... Not the fansub or anybody else. So in my opinion it's a very bad thing to send hate to any person working for free to share thing that other can't buy or can't understand in it's original language... Please don't be haters... Sorry for my English, isn't my language...