1. Hangyum is the main seme, the blonde on the cover. Hanwool is his twin brother. Jaehee is Hajin’s ex and Sohyun’s current boyfriend.
2. Hangyum knew Hajin in High school, Hanwool just meet Hajin in chapter 27. Jaehee meet Hajin after Hajin graduated high school.
3. Hangyum former friend and crush/first love from High school, now Hajin is his stylist and causal sex buddy but they seem like they are dating in ways. Hanwool and Hajin strangers even though Hajin thought he was talking to his former friend. Jaehee is the ex boyfriend.
The characters profiles would help and the story.
This maybe helpful as well
1.) Hangyum is Hajin’s first crush(the one back from highschool) and currently they are “fuck buddies.” Hangyum is the very handsome idol guy. Hanwool is Hangyum’s twin brother who is pretending to be Hangyum right now because Hangyum doesn’t want Hajin to know that he is the Hangyum from highschool(lol too many H names it’s confusing). Jaehee is Hajin’s ex boyfriend who broke up with him to study abroad, and he came back as Sohyun’s boyfriend(even though he still has feelings for Hajin!!!)
2.)Back in highschool, Hangyum liked Hajin first and tried getting closer to him. Eventually Hajin started liking Hangyum too. I don’t know how they lost touch throughout the years though, maybe after graduation they lost touch?
I’m not sure how Jaehee, the ex, got to know Hajin but they were very close with each other. Hajin’s ex “girlfriend” that is talked about in the story is actually Jaehee, so Hajin probably really loved(or liked, love is a strong word) Jaehee back then. Hanwoo was just recently introduced to Hajin. Hangyum told Hanwoo to be Hangyum so that Hajin wouldn’t know that the real Hangyum (the idol)is the one from highschool. Hanwoo holds no feelings (So far...?)for Hajin and just returned from studying abroad.
3.)Hangyum and Hajin are co-workers I guess you could say but they are also fuckbuddies even though it is obvious they like each other. Jaehee seems to still have feelings for Hajin but Hajin hates Jaehee for what happened in the past. Hanwoo is just living his life lol, no feelings for Hajin! I don’t think Hajin is too convinced that Hanwoo is Hangyum though...
I hope this was helpful!
I am so glad to see someone else writes detailed like Mi Amore. Lol! I think Mi’s reply would be similar to yours.
Tapas messed it Chapter 19 they have the former friend graduating but it is that he went there. Chapter 28. Hajin says something similar to I never thought I see you again since you suddenly transfer.
Hajin and Hangyum meet in their second year of high school and they are still in second year in the flashbacks. So Jaehee could had come in In Hajin’s third (and final) year or after. He meet Jaehee by modeling, he could had a job in his final year of school. Usually jobs come after school. I had that they meet after Hangyum in Hajin’s third year of school or after, but I changed and sent it.
Yes we don’t think Hajin was convinced either not even in chapter 19 was he fully convinced
(⌒▽⌒) Someone please explain: 1. Who are hangyum, hanwool, jaehee? 2. In a timeline- when did they get to know Hajin? 3. What is their relationship with/ how do they know hajin? Thank you!!