valentina March 17, 2020 1:21 pm

Kido is really not as bad as yall are making him out to be. He's not selfish or manipulative. I think he's really just tired of being in an "unrequited love" because he doesnt realize that Sawoo just likes him for him, as a friend and I guess now as a lover. There's no attachment or jealousy on his end and thats something Kido is not used to. If Kido was a bad person, we would see him use Sawoo's feeling against him and threaten him, but he hasn't. He thinks it, but he literally gives Sawoo all the freedom to do what he wants. Kido is probably one of the nicest semes, he's just annoyed at how dense Sawoo is.........he says things like he isnt affected by them, which is weird lol like theyre about to have sex and its like he has no actual emotions around it meanwhile Kido looks nervous and embarrassed

    Zen March 17, 2020 4:27 pm

    So bullying your loved one, wanting to brak them, leaving them alone bcoz you just don't know if the fell same about you is right? How much anyone juatify kido but clearly he did wrong and wrong...

    Merunya March 18, 2020 4:30 am
    So bullying your loved one, wanting to brak them, leaving them alone bcoz you just don't know if the fell same about you is right? How much anyone juatify kido but clearly he did wrong and wrong... Zen

    No he left him alone because he was scared of forcing sanwoo to feel something romantic for him. And also wanting to “break him” is obviously not literal or a kind of sexual violence I read it as kidos frustration at the situation of a one sided love and how dense mc can be, almost like he wants to destroy and ruin the friendship push it beyond repair by showing his dark side because he feels so trapped.

    valentina March 18, 2020 11:17 am
    No he left him alone because he was scared of forcing sanwoo to feel something romantic for him. And also wanting to “break him” is obviously not literal or a kind of sexual violence I read it as kidos frus... Merunya

    Thank you

    Joker Legend March 18, 2020 2:27 pm

    Exactly!!! Well said.

    Joker Legend March 18, 2020 2:28 pm
    No he left him alone because he was scared of forcing sanwoo to feel something romantic for him. And also wanting to “break him” is obviously not literal or a kind of sexual violence I read it as kidos frus... Merunya


    Zen March 18, 2020 5:06 pm
    No he left him alone because he was scared of forcing sanwoo to feel something romantic for him. And also wanting to “break him” is obviously not literal or a kind of sexual violence I read it as kidos frus... Merunya

    So kido wanted to break sawoo bcoz of frustration of situation? ....if i love someone genuinely then i wouldn't have courage to even lift a finger at them.....i mean litteraly kido ran away like coward insted of fixing things up....and again returned when he felt that sawoo loves him (by those letters), so he was waiting for sawoo to fall in love with him insted of taking a initiative, doesn't it seems like playing hard to get?..... Also if wanted to get away then he should have break it up face to face.....i understand that you sympathise with kido but you can't justify his all action, something done wrong is wrong..

    Merunya March 19, 2020 12:31 am
    So kido wanted to break sawoo bcoz of frustration of situation? ....if i love someone genuinely then i wouldn't have courage to even lift a finger at them.....i mean litteraly kido ran away like coward insted o... Zen

    “Lift a finger” I said it wasn’t violence, and he wasn’t waiting to fall for him, he came back cause he thought there was hope because of the love letters not a signal. I’m saying all this unrelated to it kido is a douche or not, just explaining the situation not defending cause I feel like you’re reading the atmosphere and feelings wrong...