Cyxx March 17, 2020 3:34 am

Spanish translation:


English translation (This was pretty long to translate but I hope it’s worth it ily):

Hello dear readers who love Dispar so much. I’m Wolfy, the artist in charge of the team 4U (Wolfy and Wooha)
I’m deeply sorry to see you here once again to give you this type of announcement.
Wooha, our author, usually suffers from intense headaches while working, something that she used to overcome with painkillers... but since the last weeks of September, she started suffering intense migraines. Because of this, she started taking stronger painkillers, so she could sleep and work. At least that was what she was doing up till now...
But when I realized that she couldn’t longer sleep without these very strong painkillers, I knew that it’d be impossible to keep on serializing our work at the moment.
Lately, since I haven’t been in contact with Wooha, I can’t really promise when we will continue with this story, and I’m really sorry for not being able to tell you guys sooner.
First of all I decided to ask our PDnim (producer) if we could delay the lunching of the new chapters till January 31st of this next year (2020), so I hope that works.
We sincerely apologize once again for anyone that’s disappointed because of this, and for any inconvenience this announcement may have caused.
I hope that Wooha can completely recover soon and I hope to see you all again on January the 31st.
Thank you very much!

So idk bout y’all but 31/01/2020 already passed and I haven’t heard anything about another hiatus (but someone below said the they posted something on Lezhin) so yeah as things are I guess Dispar is not going to continue :(

    Tmsmyaoi March 17, 2020 3:21 am

    They updated that Hiatus note after they met but Lezhin make it look like it was that note instead of a new one
    I don’t know if the Spanish translation group has picked up on the newer hiatus note.
    It says something like they can’t say when they return and when they do it will not be as big projects. They apologized. Sorry I have not read that note in a while to say everything it says. It is in one of my topics. I think.

    Cyxx March 17, 2020 3:31 am
    They updated that Hiatus note after they met but Lezhin make it look like it was that note instead of a new one I don’t know if the Spanish translation group has picked up on the newer hiatus note. It says ... Tmsmyaoi

    Ah I didn’t know about that, I just translated the last one that was available in Spanish. Thanks for the info!