Female Lead: Why side with her at this point

cinderthinker March 16, 2020 6:14 am

Sometimes people can be very unforgiving for people who are still building themselves. People seem to always dichotomize people as a failure or a success, but no one seems to be interested in the process of the "becoming."

At this point of the story, just a couple of chapters in and with the timeline explicitly showing that it's only been a couple of days, do you all really expect that she'd suddenly just develop this whole bad-ass character after the public shaming she went through from various social institutions including her family? It would take a breakthrough or two for her to even speak up for herself because that's how people healing naturally go through.

Realize that she has been emotionally and mentally manipulated and abused to think the way that she thinks and for some, it would take a lifetime of unlearning. I hope you realize why this story was created to begin with, it tackles how girls are socialized to stay quiet and lower their presence. It shows how the FL goes through a certain conscientization after years of being encaged in a tiny box.

And if you're not about such character development then be my guess and leave. People are so forgiving in shounen mangas when ML would take their time to develop and experience more than a hundred trials before gaining a breakthrough but FL who don't try and FL who try, be damned.

Honestly, at this point in the story, it requires patience and understanding to see development. Granted if the FL still doesn't act after 20 or so chapters, then voice out your grievances, but this early in? Please.

This is not to attack anyone but to make people realize that we should be encouraging authors in a positive manner rather than just demanding yields y'all never even sew.

    icecreamface March 16, 2020 7:26 am

    perfect comment, i'm in awe! agree wholeheartedly