I'll Say This Straight

CosAniMan March 16, 2020 2:25 am

I'll say this straight. I REALLY DON'T LIKE THE SISTER. She is selfish, doesn't listen, and peer pressures others, just to list a few. I could go on listing how much hate I have toward her just because of the type of character she is. I've come across other characters similar to her, but they were not as overbearing as her or had another aspect to them that balanced out all the other stuff. Like she makes me CRINGE.

    M.T March 16, 2020 4:29 am

    I tried really hard to understand the sister.. Because I had an older sibling. But she just pisses me off so much.... Everytime, I see her...I genuinely feel bad for Al. He's just a kid! You're the older sibling! Why the hell are you treating him like he's some ragged doll?

    CosAniMan March 16, 2020 5:52 am
    I tried really hard to understand the sister.. Because I had an older sibling. But she just pisses me off so much.... Everytime, I see her...I genuinely feel bad for Al. He's just a kid! You're the older siblin... M.T

    Quite honestly same. Like I tried to understand her in the beginning, but I quickly gave up on that after the first few chapters of her being introduced. Since I too have an older sibling, but the sister in this manga never takes on an older sibling/mature vibe and I guess that what pisses me off when it is her little brother acts more mature than her at times.

    M.T March 16, 2020 6:25 am
    Quite honestly same. Like I tried to understand her in the beginning, but I quickly gave up on that after the first few chapters of her being introduced. Since I too have an older sibling, but the sister in thi... CosAniMan

    Honestly, I want to see more of the older brother rather then her. Everytime, I see her I think "Great here we go again.... She's either going to threaten to beat him up because she wants to play or wants something or she just wants to beat him up" I get it siblings roughhouse. Me and my older brother do that. But she does that almost everytime she sees him.

    CosAniMan March 16, 2020 7:39 pm
    Honestly, I want to see more of the older brother rather then her. Everytime, I see her I think "Great here we go again.... She's either going to threaten to beat him up because she wants to play or wants somet... M.T

    Then it is just like she has a whole other facade with her friends that she is "oh what a great friend she is" but she is hiding her true selfish self from them. LIKE WOW, what a GREAT FRIEND, one who manipulates her siblings into doing what she wants. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸