Unpopular opinion

acornholic March 15, 2020 7:53 am

I know I will get a lot of dislikes but I can't help, I really wish I felt different, but to me Gyoon and Jihye had no chemistry, I found them forced. I don't know if I I feel like this because I binge read the second season but they didn't give me anything, no feels, nothing. Instead I found more interesting all the dynamic with mr Soh, and until the end I hoped that he didn't really like the chairwoman or that he would say that he looked at the chairwoman like that only because he could see Gyoon in her and not the opposite.

    Ahiva March 15, 2020 9:34 am

    Maybe you have read too much yaoi and now you can only feel the chemistry between the characters when there is an unhealthy relationship where one of them mistreats the other one.

    acornholic March 15, 2020 10:19 am
    Maybe you have read too much yaoi and now you can only feel the chemistry between the characters when there is an unhealthy relationship where one of them mistreats the other one. Ahiva

    I shouldn't even explain this but since you have assumed it: actually chemistry has nothing to do with unhealthy relationship to me. Honestly I just didn't see interest nor affection from Jihye, never in his eyes. Believe it or not but I live for cute fluffy stories. Not that I think it's wrong to like unhealthy dynamics, it happened also to me, we are all enjoying fiction after all.
    Btw everyone has his taste and who likes them as a couple shouldn't feel bothered by others opinion, no one is right or wrong it's just personal taste. just I don't like that you came with this assumption because it doesn't have anything to do with my real reason to dislike them. Sorry if I am rude to you, not my intention.

    Ahiva March 15, 2020 10:32 am
    I shouldn't even explain this but since you have assumed it: actually chemistry has nothing to do with unhealthy relationship to me. Honestly I just didn't see interest nor affection from Jihye, never in his ey... acornholic

    Well, I said "maybe", sorry if that offended you.

    acornholic March 15, 2020 10:39 am
    Well, I said "maybe", sorry if that offended you. Ahiva

    No that's my fault, sorry for jumping to conclusion! I didn't want to attack you, really

    Love1234 March 16, 2020 10:26 pm

    I reread all of this yaoi, first season to now all in a couple hours and they don't seemed forced whatsoever

    acornholic March 16, 2020 10:40 pm
    I reread all of this yaoi, first season to now all in a couple hours and they don't seemed forced whatsoever Love1234

    I wrote "to me", personal opinion. Still valid if you liked them

    Arisa Link March 17, 2020 1:47 am

    My friend, you have a fetish