sorry but i feel like butting in. hidden emotions, ok. yeah people rebelled. but a large part of every society no matter the era is conditioned to follow said society's rules. physical pain can lead to hate, depression etc. but what's important is keeping in mind that what we reffer to as 'abuse' today (rape, being beaten by your master) was not the same thing in the past, it was just how life went. (there is an exact sociological term for this which i can't remember right now, but it is also the reason african slaves remained unrebellious for a long time). even today there are cultures which for example practice unconsensual body mutialtion, which leaves severly less damage on the mental state of people living in those culture, than it would if it happened to someone living in modern western culture. so what cygnus is saying is perfectly sensible. NK is hurt, but we are probably much more appaled at Seungho than he is. therefore developing positive emotions for Seungho (even though I don't think that has happened at this point) is much more likely. :)

If you dont agree then what's your point, man... You clearly dont understand the story and the history in general but that's not my job to teach you about this. Sorry to break it to you. Obviously there are hidden feelings but as it states - they are hidden. No one cares about them since life was cruel and they had more important matters to care about. Nakyum hated Seungho but it doesn't change the fact that he has to deal with him and act as if nothing happened. But it doesn't mean he cant fall in love with him, even thought it would take some time. Now as you said, the talk is pointless so I just wish you a goodnight and a good lesson about history

But NK isn't even a slave...and it looks like he was raised in peaceful environment so he most likely only heard about such things. So he SHOULDN'T be so immune. It should leave some impact on him. I don't see reason why he would fall for men who nearly cause his death,took his freedom, beated him and raped him.

OMFG. I understand history perfectly with all rules, mentality etc but I don't agree that when someone had peaceful life and it was suddenly taken by some persons and that person beated himz raped him and nearly killed him...and he would fall in love. For me it would be just copying mechanism. And I won't change my mind. It's cliché and unrealistic to me.

First of all, all people tagging NK as “innocent” or “impeccable” is stupid, it has been clearly shown in the story that NK is not mentally OK. He’s a sexual repressive, who was also physically and mentally mistreated by Sir Inhun, that consequently, NK is in love with him. Sir IH aggressions might not have looked as severe as Seunho’s, but the degree of severe doesn’t matter, at the end, both have mistreated him. Now with all this said, it would make sense that someone as NK would fall in love with SH, although he tried to denied in this chapter, blaming it on the medicinal infusions. This times were so old, and people had so stupid beliefs, but that’s how it was, why do u think there’s people still getting beating up but hiding it’s aggressions and the aggressor? Why do u think people followed Hitler?
This story takes place centuries ago, society at those times didn’t think as we do now days.
Most importantly, wouldn’t you think this would be romanticized? Not saying because that’s how every story works, but you can scroll through the comments and see for yourself that no one is looking for moralistic-fable-story, if you don’t like what ur reading because u consider it below ur expectations, you can always stop reading.
To the people saying it is disappointing how Nakyum falls for this scary Seungho and forgets about what he did to him.Those are totally different times. Treatment like this was on daily basic, human rights-they didn't even know what it was. Rape, killing were common, beating lowborn's ass as well. I'm not saying it is right and Seungho should be forgiven but we ought to take it into account while thinking how can Nakyum fall for him so easily and not be scared to death by his doings. It was terrifying but not as shocking as now. It was common. As for those times Seungho is not treating Nakyum that bad (aside from rape and the beating). He's giving him so much more than he deserves as a lowborn. Even those around him are shocked by it. Btw I bet what Nakyum feels for him is not love but his hidden lust. It's still too early for love. Seungho is the first person who accepts him the way he is and no wonder he is somehow getting aroused by the unknown feeling. It's so hard for him to admit that he may like it, he wants to run away from it but we can tell that just by looking at his expressions that deep down he's curious. And I think it's not only the medicine's doing