I freakin love twincest. I kinda wish the big bro was out of the picture, just the twins. ...

anonienonie March 13, 2020 9:49 am

I freakin love twincest. I kinda wish the big bro was out of the picture, just the twins. Oh well.

    Yumiswife March 13, 2020 10:47 am

    Hello police?

    anonienonie March 13, 2020 11:06 am
    Hello police? Yumiswife

    Hello fiction/fantasy/imagination?

    Yumiswife March 13, 2020 2:34 pm
    Hello fiction/fantasy/imagination? anonienonie

    Honey if thats your imagination/fantasy then we need MORE than the police o_o

    anonienonie March 13, 2020 7:34 pm
    Honey if thats your imagination/fantasy then we need MORE than the police o_o Yumiswife

    Oooh, I've got a therapist kink too, that'd be fantastic ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Yumiswife March 13, 2020 9:13 pm
    Oooh, I've got a therapist kink too, that'd be fantastic ლ(´ڡ`ლ) anonienonie

    Alright then

    PearlySkies March 14, 2020 4:48 pm
    Hello police? Yumiswife

    Just because someone likes something in a fantasy/fictional setting doesn’t mean that’s what they like irl.

    Yumiswife March 14, 2020 6:57 pm
    Just because someone likes something in a fantasy/fictional setting doesn’t mean that’s what they like irl. PearlySkies

    I know right, i LOVE looking at siblings having sex irl but i cannot stand looking at it in fiction. Glad someone understands.

    anonienonie March 14, 2020 7:57 pm
    I know right, i LOVE looking at siblings having sex irl but i cannot stand looking at it in fiction. Glad someone understands. Yumiswife

    Hmm, at first I thought it was just a fun troll, but now I'm legitimately intrigued.

    I wonder: do you believe people can't fantasize about certain things without it bleeding into their real life preferences? It seems like it, basing off your comments. So then, do you think that all people who enjoy incest in their manga/IRL porn are sick in the head? Do you think having such preferences in the fiction one consumes means they also partake in it in their own day to day lives? If yes, then it makes me question even more: do you also believe that to be true for other kinks ie rape, furries/beastiality, etc? So if a person who is fine with rape in their manga, or has rape fantasies, they are rapists/rape apologists?

    I have no ulterior motive here-- I'm just honest to goodness wanting to know your opinion on this and would like to have a discussion.

    Yumiswife March 14, 2020 8:59 pm
    Hmm, at first I thought it was just a fun troll, but now I'm legitimately intrigued. I wonder: do you believe people can't fantasize about certain things without it bleeding into their real life preferences? It... anonienonie

    Ok. Well I dont agree with rape/incest/pedophilia being glorified at all, as this manga does. But I cant stop people from enjoying it. I think theres a difference between being fine with incest/rape/pedophila and actively going out of your way to enjoy it - you effectively are creating a need to look at incest/rape/pedophilia which is not normal.
    In my opinion, most "rape" kinks I've heard about here is just a more ignorant way of saying bdsm kink, (it would save so many arguements and problems if people would just call it that)

    I believe as long as a kink isnt nonconsensually hurting someone or engaging in unatural power dynamics (incest, beastility, pedophilia) its ok. If you get off to being pissed on while eating sphagetti or furries - thats your prerogative.

    I'm not exactly saying people who enjoy fictional rape are rape apologists per se - fiction has been proven in many studies to impact reality (ted ed has a good video on this) which begs the question - where do you draw the line? If i'm looking at images of child porn - is it alright because its "not real" and not happening in front of me at this moment?

    anonienonie March 15, 2020 3:47 pm
    Ok. Well I dont agree with rape/incest/pedophilia being glorified at all, as this manga does. But I cant stop people from enjoying it. I think theres a difference between being fine with incest/rape/pedophila a... Yumiswife

    Thanks for taking time to write this out. There are some points you've made that I personally agree with, and some I don't. I have quite the negative outlook with regards to creating a need for these types of predelictions. The way I look at it is that one way or another, there will ALWAYS be someone creating it, regardless of if I consume it or not.

    As to how fiction impacts reality, it's a slippery slope, imo. I don't deny that rape fiction MAY contribute to rapists doing what they do, but if we draw a clear line and say that it does, then does that mean if we get rid of all rape in all media then no one will be rapists? No. Because a rapist will rape regardless. In the same manner, should we blame video games when there's another shooting somewhere.in the world? No, I don't believe so.

    Personally, and this is just me, my moral compass is simple. You're free to consume/like whatever predeliction you have, regardless of how taboo society says it is; so long as it's just in your head/in fiction and you're not actually acting on it IRL.