This is a long shot, but...

Flower March 13, 2020 7:23 am

Does anyone know the name of this anime. I watched a few episodes like a decade ago and I can’t remember the title. It is a shoujo and it had a girl who was disliked for her orange hair. She went traveling (maybe) with a man who complimented her hair color and called it the color of caramel. I think there was another guy with dark hair/skin who was a good fighter. I think it had fairies, but I might have imagined that.
Sorry for the lack of details, any clues would be greatly appreciated.

    Yuu March 13, 2020 8:02 am

    Is it "Earl and Fairy"?

    Flower March 13, 2020 6:00 pm
    Is it "Earl and Fairy"? Yuu

    Yes it is! Thank you!