Can you help me find this manga??

melon March 11, 2020 7:06 am

So I read this a long long time ago and never finished it and can barely remember. It's a shoujo manga. Cliche. High school girl protagonist. Main lead is a handsome motorcyclist delinquent from her school. And the plot was something like her relative (I think her father or uncle) pass away or something happened to him and he's not there, he was a restaurant owner. So she starts taking care of/fixing up this very rundown broken down cafe/restaurant and plan to run it herself. She ends up running into ML (I forgot how but I think there was a fight maybe and with who I can't remember) and the only interest she has in him is using him as a handsome waiter to attract customers and to help repair the place. And I think ML somehow misunderstands and thinks MC is in love with him but it gets cleared up later. Then I also think there was a part where MC gets attack by rival gang/school and is threaten (cuz they also thinks she's ML girlfriend or something) but she's stands up to them/fights back and ML comes just in time to see all this and saves her too and in the process also becomes interested in her and agrees to help her with the restaurant.

I'm not sure if I remember it right but thats all I could remember. Thank you in advance if anyone finds this manga!!
