I don't get it, i mean Hyunwoo did love Subin right? If so then why, why didn't he act on ...

Bl_pasta March 10, 2020 12:46 am

I don't get it, i mean Hyunwoo did love Subin right? If so then why, why didn't he act on his feelings? Why the need to hide it? Sure he might've been confused at first but he had sooooo many chances to act on his feelings. I just don't understand why he felt the need to hide or bury his feelings especially since Subin was so in love with him.

    nezu March 29, 2020 11:24 pm

    Hyunwoo wasn't queer to begin with, so obv it's quite a huge leap, and he was his best friend to boot. Also, he only ever actually realized that he was indeed in love / at least liked subin in a romantic way after subin moved on from him.