
inosuke is da best boi March 9, 2020 12:22 pm

Boi i think cavo deserves better or is liam just not that yknow?? Idk maybe ill let this finish first

    Welo March 9, 2020 3:47 pm

    Ikr? since I'm asexual, I would be more than happy to be with Cavo, I would listen to him all the time and make him smile (even if he can't properly smile), unfortunately I like Liam although he's not a good guy, he's cute (almost).

    Rafeovie March 10, 2020 12:55 am
    Ikr? since I'm asexual, I would be more than happy to be with Cavo, I would listen to him all the time and make him smile (even if he can't properly smile), unfortunately I like Liam although he's not a good gu... Welo

    Omg sameee. Guess it's an ace thing