I hope you just mean fictionally. Because in reality this type will tell you you're different than others while continually fucking other people behind your back or screwing you over in other ways. What they mean is that you're easier to keep on the line and more accepting of their bullshit so they know you will forgive them even when they're treating you terribly and you fulfill their narcissistic cuck desires. They don't actually love you when they "fall hard" they love having a dope who thinks they are better than they actually are.

can’t believe i gotta make it clear i meant in fiction ffs. like I give a shit about what’s going on with reality. trashy mctrash prince is obviously gonna dedicate his ass to middle aged flabbykins over here because 1) nicoobook has ALL the raws and I checked all 4 volumes, no cheating 2) it’s standard Yaoi 101
the trashier the better i say. his type are the ones who are more invested in a serious relationship when they fall HARD. probably the one who’s first to initiate everything. hasegawa doesn’t seem to give a shit too so im good.