I feel you :(( SPOILERRRRRRRRR!!!!!
when I read the raws I was so heartbroken for Hosik. Being best friends since they were kids to growing to love each other. Only knowing that their relationship is taboo. To seeing the person you love marry someone else, sleep with them, then begin raising a family together. While you both are still together as he tells you your the only one he loves. And he only married the girl for status. Omg it was so sad :((
Especially when the girl was all jealous. (I don't speak or read korean but I bet her way of speaking to Hosik, because she was suspicious of the relationship, was plain rude.) Also sunbae's face when Hosik held his child. :( knowing that him & hosik couldn't have that even tho they loved each other dearly. :(((
Hosik's last words to sunbae were Iloveyou and im only guessing but by sunbae's reaction, hosik didn't say it often, so to hear him say it as he passes.

This is another such story crownprincexprostitute.. it has a happy ending though.. (⌒▽⌒)
*this will contain spoilers. I am warning you now. I swear I am. So don't read this if you don't wanna know anything*
Didn't understand what they were saying in the raws, but I think I read up until the very end. And damn it, my fucking heart. I was at a loss of what I just read and had to take a little break. I mean, I get it, but still. Damn, the history between the two of them. There were some moments when I was really depressed due to the fact that Seungyeon had familial duties he was obligated to fulfill, especially in that era, and felt like it had hurt Hosik more than he let out. I just really could have gone without ever having the idea that he had a kid with another person because it was his job. I mean, I'm pretty sure that if he didn't, then the current Lee family wouldn't exist, and none of the current lovey dovey stuff would have happened, but still. I hated the fact that he had to get with a girl, and sleep with her. I'm pretty sure Hosik died in the inside but couldn't do anything about it. He was obviously in a relationship with Hosik at the time (although it was only between the two), but still had to bear a child. I just really felt heartbroken as though I was seeing things in Hosik's POV. Although it can't be considering cheating because they knew it was bound to happen, I still think it is. I mean, knowing that your significant other is sleeping with another person, showing them their most intimate parts, in an intimate setting, would have killed me. I feel for both of them in this scenario and just wished it didn't have to go in that route. If only their had been a relative or something. But overall, it did explain as to why Seungyeon had behaved the way he did from the very beginning. At least I'm at peace now, knowing that this whole mpreg theme had given the two solace due to it being the whole issue on why they had to go through the whole pain in their past life.
Anyway, I was so happy and so speechless about what I read and by the very end (the last chapter), one of the panels really hit hard. That panel struck at my heart and ended me. Its such a cute story. Much love! (▰˘◡˘▰)*