The Meaning of Character's Name

Gekkōin March 9, 2020 5:28 am

The name of characters is in Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian), oh my god... (≧∀≦)
.Pisau : Knife .Seekor Naga: Dragon .Taring : Fangs
.Bulan : Moon
Then, Harto and Yudha is in Bahasa Jawa (Javanese)
.Harto : Treasure (well, jewel is treasure too)
.Yudha : War/Battle (in javanese and sanscrit)
And Lolo is in Tagalog
.Lolo : Grandfather
.Vanpia?? idk what the meaning is, but this is what i know, hope this useful
and what they're wearing?? Are they gonna battle or having sex wearing those things??

    Meow-nn March 9, 2020 5:56 am

    Terinspirasi dari koteka

    Gekkōin March 9, 2020 7:58 am
    Terinspirasi dari koteka Meow-nn

    Hmm dan gw langsung browsing dan ternyata iya...