7,4/10 stars

>Fake Potato< March 8, 2020 7:32 pm

Things I didn't like:

Not enough Kiri(yama?) background. I found his brain damage to be very interesting

Mc: Quite frankly, most people prefer a main character that can kill, and puts himself before others

Girl: Dont get me wrong, i love girls, Souma especially was amazing. But the cliche of the male lead having to protect some fragile girl, while she never does shit to help, annoys me. Girls aren't all weak both mentally and psychically, and it annoys me that the female leads in such mangas usually are.

Last thing is strategy. I feel like it was more brute strength than brains. Mim was the only one using his brain it felt like, and i wouldve loved it if there was some more intelligence. Also, survival, basic hygiene, food, sleeping, wildlife. We only really focused on humans vs humans, not all the others things that can kill you.

Things I liked:

Killing, lol, lots of nice graphic gore

the art :) (mostly)

Souma, nice fan service there lmao

The psychological aspect. The game drove some people insane, which is very realistic
