SPOILERS . . . . . . . . . . . . The more I look at the raws (cannot for my life read Kore...

Peintme March 8, 2020 1:09 pm

The more I look at the raws (cannot for my life read Korean) I see that NK seems less opposed to being intimate with SH. Sure he can still say that he is opposed but what he says doesn't correspond with what he does. Mind you he was threatened/manipulated to be where he is by SH and TEACH but he gets turned on like whenever/wherever he's with SH. Not really something anyone in that position would do. Some might argue that it's the medicine he takes but does he really take all the time? Sure in the beginning but now? I don't know it's like some kind of reaction to previous memories that he's unsure of why he is having and therefore scared of and opposed?

    Aries March 8, 2020 9:24 pm

    the medicine wasn’t for sex it was for more fast healing