Spoiler chap 39

Mayeeri March 6, 2020 8:05 pm



WTF this chapter was so HOT like damn I'm horny as fuck ////
Anyway consent looks so good on you Nakyum !

    LOVED March 6, 2020 9:07 pm

    Consent? Where?

    Xiaoma March 6, 2020 9:31 pm
    Consent? Where? LOVED

    Nakyum didn't cry and closed his eyes waiting for Seungho to kiss him, NK responded to his kisses it got SH to stop kissing NK and smiled/smirked

    some perv March 6, 2020 10:34 pm
    Nakyum didn't cry and closed his eyes waiting for Seungho to kiss him, NK responded to his kisses it got SH to stop kissing NK and smiled/smirked Xiaoma

    That's not real consent. He still has no choice but to accept it so might as well enjoy it. It's either that or violent rape since he's not allowed to leave anyway.

    はな March 6, 2020 11:42 pm

    I hope he is but I used google translate to somehow get a hint of what they were talking about. Seungho asked NK if it is his fault NK's face is so red and if it also his fault about everything that is wrong with NK. And if so, how can he ask for forgiveness. NK said that it wasn't SH fault at all and it was all him(nk). Then they kissed. after their kiss, SH said to NK, "Okay, if it's your fault, how can you ask for forgiveness?" then they did hot stuff. hahaha.

    I'll probably regret using google translate when the official translation gets uploaded.

    ☆fUjhOsHi☆ March 7, 2020 12:12 am
    That's not real consent. He still has no choice but to accept it so might as well enjoy it. It's either that or violent rape since he's not allowed to leave anyway. some perv

    of course it's not real, this is a manhua

    some perv March 7, 2020 12:22 am
    of course it's not real, this is a manhua ☆fUjhOsHi☆

    Please read the full sentence before commenting and embarrassing yourself, thanks

    LOVED March 7, 2020 2:43 am

    I have no problem with rape scenes in mangas, BUT (and this is the important part) don't say that there is consent, when there clearly isn't any.