for me this story brings out some BAD memories

trinityanne March 5, 2020 10:49 am

this manga for me brings out some bad memories of when i was still with a young woman years ago and at first everything was cool then a couple months in and a few female friends and pretty much all of my male gay friends quit speaking to me a few more months and none of my friends are speaking to me 2 more months pass and i am at work talking to a FEMALE cousin of mine and my GF and CRAZY as all hell to boot GF at that comes walking up calm as can be and flat out STABS me in the hand with a knife to which my cousin sucker punched her and her family moved her across the country to keep her away from me and since then i have some friends who have told me we can never be friends again because she SCARED them that bad one such friend is a retired Vietnam Veteran sniper who was also a Green Beret was SCARED SHIT less from a 105 pound 5 foot 1 inch 19 year old and he was in his early 60's at the time and she scared him that bad and to me this entire manga is like a flash back to her for some strange reason

    NotGuilty April 30, 2020 4:34 pm

    So many answers to questions we didn’t ask, and yet not a note of punctuation between them

    trinityanne May 1, 2020 8:00 am
    So many answers to questions we didn’t ask, and yet not a note of punctuation between them NotGuilty

    sorry using a voice to text system that sadly is not the best due to the simple fact that i have limited use of my hands due to having multiple sclerosis so i use a voice program that was cheap due to cost constraints namely me being on disability

    NotGuilty May 1, 2020 3:59 pm
    sorry using a voice to text system that sadly is not the best due to the simple fact that i have limited use of my hands due to having multiple sclerosis so i use a voice program that was cheap due to cost cons... trinityanne

    Ah, I see. Sorry!

    trinityanne May 2, 2020 2:51 pm
    Ah, I see. Sorry! NotGuilty

    no worries i get that same comment basically about once every month on here and on other sites