
Fudanshi March 3, 2020 4:52 pm

Nora and Shuuri will became husband and wife they will have 2 children Michael & Leah

    Semsem March 3, 2020 4:57 pm

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? But isn’t he young for her? Oh... I’m not sure how to feel about them. Thx for spoiler btw

    Penderman March 3, 2020 5:03 pm
    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? But isn’t he young for her? Oh... I’m not sure how to feel about them. Thx for spoiler btw Semsem

    She's not that much older than him j believe. I mean, i dont remember his age, but she is just a teen, around 16 yrs old and he seems to be around 14??? .-. Merp

    Semsem March 3, 2020 5:28 pm
    She's not that much older than him j believe. I mean, i dont remember his age, but she is just a teen, around 16 yrs old and he seems to be around 14??? .-. Merp Penderman

    Hmm thx that makes sense now

    Kawaii Panda March 3, 2020 5:38 pm

    who's nora again? :3 was it the crown prince?

    Kawaii Panda March 3, 2020 5:41 pm
    who's nora again? :3 was it the crown prince? Kawaii Panda

    oof nvm its that black haired boi :3

    Xanire March 3, 2020 5:43 pm

    Do you have the raws? If so, please give me the link. Only if you want to ofc (⌒▽⌒)

    King March 3, 2020 9:55 pm

    Shuuri like main character? Because I ship that

    Iceeee March 3, 2020 10:39 pm

    Where did you read it???? Is tgere a novel? Where can i reaaaad?

    Caofailan March 3, 2020 11:16 pm

    Your Highness can you please give me the link for the novel? ┗( T﹏T )┛