well I wanted to ask this for a long time

chris March 3, 2020 8:02 am

Why is killing stalking on the "today's top 5" list OFTEN even though it finished long back and like I don't know I have read it already but I wouldn't even want to look back at a single page of the manga once again

    Mika March 3, 2020 8:09 am

    todays top 5 are just what is most viewed in each genre or so it just means that a lot of new people are still reading the story keeping its views up

    chris March 3, 2020 8:57 am

    Well I thought so too but Do u really think that many new people are reading the same manga at the same time when u have a lot more better manga? Not to argue but just stating my opinion on this is all

    shinsobb March 3, 2020 2:04 pm

    I think it’s bc killing stalking is the main manga that people are introduced to through this site - like it’s what gets them into other manga on this site - at least it was for me. That’s why I think it’s alwayssss at the top most likely

    chris March 3, 2020 2:41 pm

    If u don't mind can u share with me how u got to know this site and that too how did u know about killing stalking?Just curious if u don't want to share it that's fine with me

    shinsobb March 3, 2020 3:19 pm
    If u don't mind can u share with me how u got to know this site and that too how did u know about killing stalking?Just curious if u don't want to share it that's fine with me chris

    It was a while ago so I don’t really remember but I think it started when I watched yuri on ice without realising it was a BL type anime until I finished it. And then I was curious about the whole genre so I looked into it and one of the first things that came up about bl manga was killing stalking and it turned out to be super well known and really famous like it even had its own watch mojo video ! So naturally I thought I should read it and found this site to read it on. Once I read that I decided to try reading other things on here. I think that basically how it happened and I think it’s the same for a lot of people :)

    chris March 3, 2020 4:15 pm

    @shinsobb Thanks a lot for sharing your journey and clarifying my doubt.
    So this is the reason why it was always on the top.I always wondered why people were reading it again and again!
    You are right @Mika. Thank you