no- they had mercy on her, if she didn't die, and instead took the throne, she would be tortured and abused by her people because of her dad, instead, he gave her an easier, more peaceful option, which is killing herself, but the princess couldn't do it, so pauliana did it for her, that's why he said she's kind ;)

Actually in old times, when there’s a war, and a kingdom has lost, they usually don’t take prisoners but what they do sometimes is rape, torture and sell them to become slaves. So I’m short the moment her dad fucked up, their whole family is fucked up. He was actually being merciful by offering her a quick death. Yeah twisted but that’s old times for you.

Basic principles of war and conquer. There's no way he can allow her to live due to her birthright. She's the heir of the throne a neighbouring kingdom conquered by force. Having her alive means there will be a revolt cluster. Even if she doesn't align herself with them, the group will use her "rights" as an excuse for a power grab. #history #wartactics
Am I the only one who thinks that was fucked up cause the princess didn't do anything wrong. Everyone's saying he's hot but like what the hell-