Just think about it

MSas March 3, 2020 4:27 am

OkaY this may soon crazy but just hear me out. Seme= Pedo. Like honestly look at this dude lmfao

    prism March 4, 2020 12:42 am

    If you read well you’d know they both are college students the thing is seoyoon dropped out, plus yeonwoo had on his bio that he likes cute things (we can infer that this is sexually/romantically), cute is his type, doesn’t mean he’s a pedo. The authors have been subtly clear about possible misunderstandings you just have to read closely and clearly.

    fuj_hoe_shi March 4, 2020 2:36 am
    If you read well you’d know they both are college students the thing is seoyoon dropped out, plus yeonwoo had on his bio that he likes cute things (we can infer that this is sexually/romantically), cute is hi... prism

    Lolol I think they got it but the way they’re drawn is so weirdly shota-esque that it’s creepy as fuck

    MSas March 4, 2020 4:00 am
    Lolol I think they got it but the way they’re drawn is so weirdly shota-esque that it’s creepy as fuck fuj_hoe_shi

    lol yeah Sorry for any misunderstandings its just his actions be creepy af

    MSas March 4, 2020 4:00 am
    If you read well you’d know they both are college students the thing is seoyoon dropped out, plus yeonwoo had on his bio that he likes cute things (we can infer that this is sexually/romantically), cute is hi... prism

    II know lol Im not being serious I just think seme's actions are creeeepppyyyy