wait im confused? when did Taker and Suho start dating? Suho's brother kept mentioning it ...

uwuowouwu March 2, 2020 4:18 pm

wait im confused? when did Taker and Suho start dating? Suho's brother kept mentioning it in chaps 18-19 but they only just had their first 'official kiss' in chap 20 AND there hasnt even been a "i like you lets date " scene (or any of the sort) yet either??

    marinchan March 2, 2020 5:05 pm

    It's bc Suho was talking about them (Suho and Taker) sleeping in the same room, despite them having two rooms available.

    Ochako March 2, 2020 11:43 pm

    Haewon assumed they were since they stayed in the same room though they had two available and Taker too didnt seem to dislike the idea of staying together when that fact was revealed.. He also didnt question Suho about it.. Since the two like each other nobody bothered to correct him either..
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