how is this sex by coercion cute at all tf

pinkbeary March 2, 2020 3:46 am

started reading bc of the positive comments but is it ever addressed that blackmailing someone into sex is uhhh a shitty thing to do??? ik this bs is commonplace in yaoi but all the comments are just squealing about how amazing maya is when he outright threatened someone into having sex over doing something he himself admitted to suggesting (cheating) and never expressed any remorse for it. is that what y'all look for in men....

    Moon March 2, 2020 3:52 am

    It kinda goes over this again later in the story and they talk about it. They get really cute after awhile but like any BL cant communicate. I suggest you give it a chance it gets really good and their Dj are just 10/10

    Ari_Can March 2, 2020 3:55 am

    It gets better darling... "proper" apology and all.

    BeepBopp March 2, 2020 5:03 am

    Many readers will be craving for semes as long as they are hot. Even if said seme is a total shit, no matter what he does, as long as he is hot, he is most likely a *interesting character* or they will say stuff like *i wish i was the uke* (lol even though the uke didn’t want it).

    As long as it’s a hot guy, anything will pass.

    Jaejae14 March 2, 2020 4:58 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Elio.Elio.Elio.

    Out from all the comments I've read so far. I couldn't agree more of this sentiment. (⌒▽⌒)

    Mi Amore Anon March 2, 2020 7:43 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Elio.Elio.Elio.

    It sounds like someone I have said. Thank you. Your are correct. =^.^=

    Mi Amore Anon March 2, 2020 8:04 pm

    Yes, lots like Maya but they like the current Maya and not the one in the beginning. Yes, there is a part where Maya repents. Maya at the beginning was in a really bad place and influenced into bad behavior.(like drinking, a rich delinquent stuck in his parents stormy divorce, lives with is Mom but has little parental guidance. His dad is out of the picture for years. So of course when would be easily influenced by someone he considered his older brother. It behaviors he is acting out trying to get his parents attention and well it is like a scream to help.....) I could go more in depth but that is enough. I think. Lol.

    So, He did had some criminally behaviors at the beginning. Currently, he has done a 180 because of his love for Nemu. Nemu has put him on the right track. However, that does not make him bad now. Some readers holds what Maya did at first against the Maya he is in volume 9. And I don't think that is right. Currently, Maya is in a better place, doing better than we first seen him. If someone had changed for the better, and stopped bad behavior why hold it against them? Depending on the behavior, Maya ... Now if Maya stayed the same as the beginning I would had drop this and not defend him. The blackmailing was an empty threat and I do believe that if Nemu acted differently or said something allow the lines he didn’t want to or it was cruel Maya would had stop, I base this off of two different areas in the story, one is in the first volume and the second is in a DJ about the same tome. However, I do take into consideration that both times is weeks? After chapter 1 and Maya could be in a completely different mindset..... only the author really knows at the point

    But my message is.....
    What matters is who you choose to be. Maya is choose to be a good person and loving boyfriend with goals and dreams. He would be completely different without Nemu.

    Plus, I don’t think we have the full story of the past anyways.

    jenday March 2, 2020 8:53 pm

    maya's incredible growth can be seen in his personality improvement and also looks. he gets like 100x hotter lmaoo

    pinkbeary March 2, 2020 9:41 pm

    thanks for the replies folks. i'm glad to hear that he repents and becomes a better person. what icked me out is the fact that nemu is the one who has to apologize for "not trusting" maya when he's the one getting blackmailed... it's weird to me that there isn't even a hint of maya having any repercussions until these supposed later chapters. tbh looking at it again nemu is also a huge doormat which just worsens the problem. but he is definitely the victim and i really don't enjoy that kind of power imbalance in a relationship. good to know the author gets rid of these toxic tropes later on but i personally could never forgive someone doing that to me, so i will skip this one :)

    pinkbeary March 2, 2020 9:42 pm
    Many readers will be craving for semes as long as they are hot. Even if said seme is a total shit, no matter what he does, as long as he is hot, he is most likely a *interesting character* or they will say stuf... BeepBopp

    haha this is sadly so true. it makes me kind of worried about the kind of man these people are attracted to irl, but not my problem so eh

    Mi Amore Anon March 2, 2020 11:53 pm
    thanks for the replies folks. i'm glad to hear that he repents and becomes a better person. what icked me out is the fact that nemu is the one who has to apologize for "not trusting" maya when he's the one gett... pinkbeary

    When I started to read this I stopped at the end of volume 1 and trying to figure out How did people Like Maya!? I read a few comments and decided to read more. Also who ever translated the first chapters Did not do a good job translating in parts.

    the point where it becomes a real relationship, it where I really started to like it and it comes a different story. I like the whole series as a whole now. I wished she started at a different point, she just tossed us in at a really bad moment. Where we don’t know the characters or their background. I think there is a lot more to the beginning then we know and it would had helped us.
    Maya problaby did not view them as bad (well that bad) until it is brought back up and that is another moment that make this one of the best series out there. I understand your points and I am sad you are skipping it but I am okay with your choice.
    Oh Nemu does change also. But I do have to disagree with you. He is sheltered and inexperienced in many things but I really don’t think he is a doormat or a push over. He stands up for himself many times. He does slap Maya twice at the beginning. He stands up to Jutta and he does stand up to Maya and Naoya.

    I also have a different viewpoint than some. I need to rewrite this...
    It just depends on how you look at and I understand how people gets rape in this but I don't because of the material. Nemu never considers rape for how he acted or thought. He was forced in the relationship, he was blackmailed.(even though is was most likely a fabrication). He was sexuality assaulted. Maya did criminal actions yes, but not rape. (at least to me for analyzing the material in Japanese, fan translation, and official English translation)

    It is okay to drop it. I understand and I understand you points. I am thankful you gave it a chance. If you attempt to give this a chance later on. I would recommend some of the DJ first maybe one of the newest DJ first? Sorry for my long reply. Thank you for listening to everyone!

    Ari_Can March 3, 2020 12:57 am
    thanks for the replies folks. i'm glad to hear that he repents and becomes a better person. what icked me out is the fact that nemu is the one who has to apologize for "not trusting" maya when he's the one gett... pinkbeary

    I think this manga shows the artist and (some of) the fanbase growth. In 2007 all the events of the first volumes were common, appealing and unquestioned trops. It shows misconceptions and prejudice about many topics (i.e. the implicit idea that men are homosexual, especially the "receiving ones", because they were raped and end up "liking" it), so reading it with a different mindset in 2020 can make it almost unbearable, but I think for the people (myself included) who read it since the beginning also, conscious or unconsciously, reflects their own maturity and growth... thats why I think some of us like it so much and encourage people to give it a try, but it's totally alright if you never grow to like it or even reading it beyond the first chapters, because that also shows a positive change in the mindset of many readers, so either way is an aceptable outcome.

    pinkbeary March 3, 2020 3:38 am
    I think this manga shows the artist and (some of) the fanbase growth. In 2007 all the events of the first volumes were common, appealing and unquestioned trops. It shows misconceptions and prejudice about many ... Ari_Can

    really appreciate this response! i agree, as an adult i can look back and see that a lot of the media i consumed when younger was not very healthy but luckily i have different standards now. i just hope that readers are still able to acknowledge when toxic and abusive behavior is being romanticized bc sadly i don't always see that level of awareness

    Ari_Can March 4, 2020 2:28 am
    really appreciate this response! i agree, as an adult i can look back and see that a lot of the media i consumed when younger was not very healthy but luckily i have different standards now. i just hope that re... pinkbeary

    I think that's the beauty of the comments that are not full of praises and critique the artists works, because they show different perspectives, and sometimes help us find things we haven't noticed before, so I'm also very grateful for your comment which started this discussion.