In the beginning of chapter 7 she made this 'wise' decision which had to be explained by t...

Chinchillah March 1, 2020 7:29 pm

In the beginning of chapter 7 she made this 'wise' decision which had to be explained by the lady taking care of her to make it sound even wiser. Why would she first of all get all the experience to confidently say all that which makes her 'perfect to be a queen'?
She never really involved herself in all those noble parties since she was broke so how would she get that perfect knowledge on how to deal with the nobles? Cuz she was studying with the lady taking care of her? Even if that's the answer she was only learning about manners for a MONTH and if thats all the time she had to learn it then its impossible to assume 'she will be perfect to be a queen'

A queen cant only have a good personality but she would need to know to deal with things too and it seems like the author only wants to make it seem like she has that in chapter 7 by making her make a great decision and calling her perfect.
It seems like im super salty but the shoujo logic in this manga is destroying my insides. ╥﹏╥

    StalkerGurl18 May 10, 2020 7:17 am

    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧I believe she can since she has been helping her brothers run their fief. The manga is short so we don't have her entire back story but being a noble she has to have some education. At least to the point where her parents were alive. Also not just because you are poor automatically means that you are dumb or to be taken likely. Some of the smartest people I know are those who come from a shabby back ground. In most of the mangas I've read you don't just become queen you have to take classes for it because the classes you get as a noble women aren't necessarily Sufficient. Most noble women learn embroidery, how to act in social gathering, a recreational skill, history and basic math for accounting that way when they are the lady of the house they can manage the books to pay their workers and get stuff for house etc.

    Also please keep in mind that most of the candidates are kids or really young. The king is like 29 and mostly nobles with an agenda where the first to thrust their daughter at the king. So there are a lot of immature and unqualified ladies. 

    As for him being unfair he states his reasons why. Can you imagine what it must feel like having all that responsibility and still having to make time to date people you don't even wanna date or have the least bit interest in? It's like being single, employeed with a ridiculously taxing job and having all your elderly family member setting you up on blind dates. Would you be happy like that? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍Being exhausted but having to put up a facade and entertain people your noisy family thrust on you? It's not in my culture to accept arrange marriage or love interest so I personally would hate it and bitch at every opportunity I get to a friend.

    He doesn't want to marry someone who doesn't wanna be queen he just fell for someone who had a pure heart from all those leeches. The fact of the matter is the guy is the king the highest position possible and most of the ladies in waiting only want to be queen to boost their ego or are simply infatuated with his outer appearance. She was the only one who seriously consider people and their feelings. She's humble and he fell for that. Forgive him for wanting a decent human being or someone who sees him as a person and not as a ladder for personal gain. (Speaking about the bad apples we've seen so far)

    Keep in mind people the author wrote this to be comedic and fluffy. It's not a historical manga and it's not based of facts it's thrown together to be silly but cute. If this was a Korean/Chinese romance manga I'd be bashing the sbit out of it right now and finding fault with everything since they tend to over romanticize rape and abusive relationship.... But it's Japanese and it makes my lil heart go doki doki so just wanted to share my views. Also I prefer supporting a super cringy/fluffy manga than the crap the Koreans and Chinese be writing half the time... but I do read them when I'm super super super bored.