I just got to chapter 34 and there is so much I don't feel comfortable with much about this situation. Why did Hwagok not tell Yibin about the deal he made with his father? Why did he not even talk to Yibin about whether he ever wanted kids after he realised that he could possibly have children with him? How could he possibly know that the kid will be a son? Even before he was pregnant he knew it would be a son. I can suspend my disbelief and accept that somehow he knows he's pregnant because of lycan magic or some shit, but there is no way he could just know that it would be a boy before he even fell pregnant. He's literally forced a pregnancy onto a man who had no idea it was going to happen without even considering the consequences or his partners feelings. Even if this goes well and they end up happily ever after this is a really gross plot point and if it were a woman and a man then it would be considered a manipulative and coercive thing to do. I literally scrolled back through the comments to see if anyone else had said anything about this and I could't find anything at all. Up until this point I was really enjoying their dynamic as a couple. They were super sweet and, although Yibin suddenly being all lovey dovey was a little jarring, I felt that their loving relationship was earned. Why couldn't Hwagok just have awoken his 'female' (yuck) side by being exposed to Ino's pheromones and unknowingly had this happen. Then the characters grappling with the sudden pregnancy would not be a calculated act but an accidental one. With both fathers accepting their roles naturally. Have Yibin consider his feelings more rather than just going out for one night out and then being ok with the situation. Have Hwagok be surprised but excited by the idea of having a child, but understanding his partners feelings and wanting to help him work through his fears of becoming a father. It just seems like such an easy scenario to write without it being so creepy. I'll continue reading but I honestly don't know if I'll be able to stomach anymore of this knowing that there are 40 more chapters. I just hope these two will learn to communicate better and won't make extremely dumb decisions like this.
I just got to chapter 34 and there is so much I don't feel comfortable with much about this situation. Why did Hwagok not tell Yibin about the deal he made with his father? Why did he not even talk to Yibin about whether he ever wanted kids after he realised that he could possibly have children with him? How could he possibly know that the kid will be a son? Even before he was pregnant he knew it would be a son. I can suspend my disbelief and accept that somehow he knows he's pregnant because of lycan magic or some shit, but there is no way he could just know that it would be a boy before he even fell pregnant.
He's literally forced a pregnancy onto a man who had no idea it was going to happen without even considering the consequences or his partners feelings. Even if this goes well and they end up happily ever after this is a really gross plot point and if it were a woman and a man then it would be considered a manipulative and coercive thing to do. I literally scrolled back through the comments to see if anyone else had said anything about this and I could't find anything at all.
Up until this point I was really enjoying their dynamic as a couple. They were super sweet and, although Yibin suddenly being all lovey dovey was a little jarring, I felt that their loving relationship was earned. Why couldn't Hwagok just have awoken his 'female' (yuck) side by being exposed to Ino's pheromones and unknowingly had this happen. Then the characters grappling with the sudden pregnancy would not be a calculated act but an accidental one. With both fathers accepting their roles naturally. Have Yibin consider his feelings more rather than just going out for one night out and then being ok with the situation. Have Hwagok be surprised but excited by the idea of having a child, but understanding his partners feelings and wanting to help him work through his fears of becoming a father. It just seems like such an easy scenario to write without it being so creepy. I'll continue reading but I honestly don't know if I'll be able to stomach anymore of this knowing that there are 40 more chapters. I just hope these two will learn to communicate better and won't make extremely dumb decisions like this.