I don't get it

Ahiva March 1, 2020 7:47 am

Is the translation ok? Half the time I don't understand what they are saying.

    Ahiva March 1, 2020 7:49 am

    I mean chapter 71.

    Lame Dot March 1, 2020 11:22 am
    I mean chapter 71. Ahiva

    what part do you not understand? (asking for feedback)

    Ahiva March 1, 2020 12:26 pm
    what part do you not understand? (asking for feedback) Lame Dot

    You translated it? Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    It is just that in some parts I understand the sentences, but I have trouble following the meanings.

    They are talking about marking, but both of them are male, I thought that wasn't supposed to be possible, so, one of them is female? I know they are not, but there is something on there that keeps feeling as if things were not coming up toghether correctly.

    Page 4 "I will love you like my dads do, they are weird". And then "Adults are strange". "Weird" is good and "strange" is bad? I don't get what he means when he says "they are weird", is it like "they are special" or "different"?

    When the white haired guy is talking with someone and the other person says "you're not going to lose your female to vampires and let a stupid vampire fool around with her, right?" But the female they are talking about must be Hwagok, I guess? It already happened un the past, are they talking about other female?

    "I just learned that keeping the pureblood is wrong"
    "Neither the hybrid nor the pureblood are of use"
    "Times are different now"
    This feels so over the place. Who is even saying each sentence? When they say "wrong", do they mean "impossible"? It would make more sense with the rest. Or is someone having a revelation of good and wrong? And the sentence about the times being different is like a riddle. Do they mean that things are different now that they learned that he was marked? Or that a pureblood is not portant because it is 2020? Or that they must change and learn how to let kids love whoever they want? Or what?

    "His body is so big, but this is so small", I can only pray that he means his butthole when he is talking about things being small. If that is so, maybe "tight" would have felt better?

    "It is because I'm persistent" "I almost messed up" I don't get what does being persistent have to do with staying still for a while, and what was he about to mess up???

    I think that was everything. I am almost sure that I would have similar questions if I was able to read the original one, and translating those riddles must be super hard, but this chapter really made me feel like a retarded cause I can barely grasp what they are talking about.

    Lame Dot March 1, 2020 12:34 pm
    You translated it? Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づIt is just that in some parts I understand the sentences, but I have trouble following the meanings.They are talking about marking, but both of them are mal... Ahiva

    naw, i am just part of Flex Tape Scans, cleaner and raws provider to be exact so im in direct contact on this project.

    Lame Dot March 1, 2020 12:40 pm
    You translated it? Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づIt is just that in some parts I understand the sentences, but I have trouble following the meanings.They are talking about marking, but both of them are mal... Ahiva

    oh and i read the rest, i shall forward this feedback to the lead. Ty for your input! (●'◡'●)ノ

    Ahiva March 1, 2020 1:14 pm

    Thanks to you all for the hard work ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Anonymous March 1, 2020 1:30 pm
    You translated it? Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づIt is just that in some parts I understand the sentences, but I have trouble following the meanings.They are talking about marking, but both of them are mal... Ahiva

    Honestly, from how I read, a lot of this seemed to be subtext and how the series, itself, is structured, rather than a translation issue. I thought it was all fine, myself.

    Like the marking/female issue and the calling the parents "weird" and "times are different," I think, were part of the whole mystery aspect with Hwa's missing memories and how the other guy knew him as a kid. We only know snippets because of how the plot is arranged, so we're not supposed to automatically understand what's going on yet because we don't have the full story. We're only getting clues instead and purposefully not enough to really understand everything (I actually suspect that they might not be talking about Hwagok when they were discussing about the "female" as well).

    Yeah, it's how you think about the big/small sentence ^^; I think this works better than "tight" because of how the comparison works. Why make the consideration that his body is "big," otherwise? This still makes sense too, because it plays into how Hwa is being extra cautious about preparing him and how he was worried about almost losing it (when he says that he "almost messed up").

    And "persistent" is used correctly here too. "Persistent" means "continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition." So, Hwa was being persistent because he kept preparing him, out of his concern to not make things as hard on his body like the last time. He's apologizing for continuing to do so instead of just doing it and thinks that he "almost messed up" because the guy was just too sexy (the frame when he was telling Hwa to just do it) and almost made him lose control of his plan to be more cautious.

    This is my understanding, but I hope it helped.