Sad with no friend :(

Darling <3 February 29, 2020 8:24 pm

A little bit of a rant:
Ya know, I reallyyyyyyyyy want to have a friend to share my excitement about whatever BL stuff I'm seeing, but each time I try to get an online friend, it never seems to works out. I wouldn't say I'm the most awkward person to talk to (at least i hope not) but perhaps thats the problem? Each time I get a new friend, I get so excited and I just want to tell them all about the stories I've been keeping to myself. But eventually, the other side never seem to want to message me back unless I messaged them first, and even if they do, it always feels like they're just pity messaging me cause the chat is pretty one sided where I'd be trying my best to continue the chat but the other side would just answer with stuff like "oh cool" "nice" "ok" without any feelings to it :( It just feels so damn sad cause it practically happens everytime I try to get a new friend. Maybe I'm just too much of an overbearing person? I really wish I had someone that I have fun talking to and comfortable with, even if its just one person.
Sorry if this is a dumb post, just feeling really lonely with no friends. Maybe some of you has gone through this type of situation? Asking for a friend here (haha get it? i know im a sad loser)

    fuku February 29, 2020 8:33 pm

    the secret is having a friend with the same interest, you can't make a proper conversation if one isn't engaged in the topic so i feel you, can't help but want to rant about stuff you read lol

    Anonymous February 29, 2020 8:36 pm

    situation like those well, it just happens. It can get better or worse, life can come in between and maybe its different from the other person. ive been in similar situation but dont get discoureged! Youll be able to find ppl who really love to chat in endless fun and If you have insta maybe we can chat over there?

    nemnem ryuuichi February 29, 2020 8:45 pm

    Message me privately and let’s chat

    nemnem ryuuichi February 29, 2020 8:46 pm

    BTW your not a sad loser (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Ray February 29, 2020 8:54 pm
    the secret is having a friend with the same interest, you can't make a proper conversation if one isn't engaged in the topic so i feel you, can't help but want to rant about stuff you read lol fuku


    Ray February 29, 2020 8:55 pm

    also if you don t mind i can be friends with you too ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    yakio February 29, 2020 9:50 pm

    i think the main issue you might be having with this is inconsideration of your friend?? I’m not calling you mean, by the way!! a common problem a lot of people have is talking too much about themselves/their interests and not letting the other person have room to speak of their own interests ^-^ it can get very tiring for the other person and lead to very one sided conversations, ones with such responses as “ok” and “nice.” good luck, i hope you’re able to make some new buddies !!!

    Darling <3 March 1, 2020 12:52 am
    the secret is having a friend with the same interest, you can't make a proper conversation if one isn't engaged in the topic so i feel you, can't help but want to rant about stuff you read lol fuku

    //sigh i suppose that has to be it but how do you even find someone like that? I guess I just have to keep searching :( And yea totally, ranting about whatever random shiet you want is really fun stuff :D

    Darling <3 March 1, 2020 12:58 am
    situation like those well, it just happens. It can get better or worse, life can come in between and maybe its different from the other person. ive been in similar situation but dont get discoureged! Youll be a... @Anonymous

    Yea, there's always 2 sides to every argument right? Maybe I've been a bit self absorbed in stuff I chat about that I never considered what might be going on on the other side. Also I do have an insta, duck_2148. Not sure if you'll get this since you're using an anon acc but in case you do, feel free to message me there :)

    Darling <3 March 1, 2020 1:01 am
    BTW your not a sad loser (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ nemnem ryuuichi

    Haha, thanks, that made me feel better, really :)) But maybe being a sad loser just part of me, I don't mind it too much.

    Darling <3 March 1, 2020 1:04 am
    also if you don t mind i can be friends with you too ლ(´ڡ`ლ) Ray

    Man, I'd do more than just mind, I'd be glad to! You can message me here on mangago acc or just send me a message on insta duck_2148 :D

    Darling <3 March 1, 2020 1:06 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! rumpelstiltskin

    really not sure what you're trying to say in this post, but thanks? I guess?

    Darling <3 March 1, 2020 1:13 am
    i think the main issue you might be having with this is inconsideration of your friend?? I’m not calling you mean, by the way!! a common problem a lot of people have is talking too much about themselves/their... @yakio

    I have considered that problem so each time I talk to people, I always make sure to tell them that it's totally chill if they wanna talk about their stuff too. And sometimes I'd asked them if they've got any new stuff they wanna chat about, but they still wouldn't chat to me about anything :( Which leads me to trying to come up with anything to keep the convo going. But maybe I should've asked all of them what might be the case and why they wouldn't chat with me, instead of just leaving the friendship immediately. Maybe they've got their own stuff too. Thanks for the comment btw, makes me think back on myself a bit more. Thanks for the support too, lets hope that happens! :D

    Ray March 3, 2020 9:35 pm
    Man, I'd do more than just mind, I'd be glad to! You can message me here on mangago acc or just send me a message on insta duck_2148 :D Darling <3

    hi i just saw your reply now sorry for late reply . i send you a message on insta my name is pumpkinnight222