I'm so happy for chiwoo! & also puppy kyujin got his lill ducky! Oh & yea not gonn...

Rock_byul✨ (BD) February 29, 2020 7:33 pm

I'm so happy for chiwoo! & also puppy kyujin got his lill ducky! Oh & yea not gonna deny I am sad for jihyun ! I can understand its been so frustrating up till now but by this ending I hope he gets to start a fresh life with no frustrating feelings anymore & sorry for saying this but its better for these kinds of ppl to never fall in love & its so not easy to change for some ppl(▰˘◡˘▰) but at bright side if he gets a devoted lover as he wanted who gonna give all his attention to him, he might become happy~ ( ̄∇ ̄")
