if it's for the original manga then all the raws they have (ch1-11) are already all on mangago. i didn't buy the comic version, so idk if there's a difference between the 11 vols version and the 2 vol version. i thought they were just condensed into two books for publication. but if you know that they're different or a continuation, let me know and ill see if i can grab them.

I was aiming more for a dry tone of voice, but it doesn’t translate well to text. Sorry if I seemed angry, although I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t have a clue what to do to solve your problem besides assuring you that I most certainly did not upload random porn images. Glad it worked out for you in the end!
hi, i lost the comment but someone said they wanted the raws to the FEVER spin off? here are the links, but they're in imgbox (easy to upload) so i'm afraid you're gonna have to download it to read since it can't jump pages. sorry about the inconvenience, but i hope you guys enjoy
CH1 - http://imgbox.com/g/oV6FNNsyUk
CH2 - http://imgbox.com/g/0TaXfSowhZ
CH3 - http://imgbox.com/g/sC1SrlEyzu
CH4 - http://imgbox.com/g/BIRnjRAHq8
CH5 - http://imgbox.com/g/0bfkRiZL9e
CH6 - http://imgbox.com/g/2nXbCBxbYi