that mind site is long pass and marrying that young isnt normal anymore so. it does feel conformable but that what happen in history, and we cant change it. even in this modern time you can still see young girls getting marry to old men and you also seeing said girls running away and telling their stories about child marriages.

Even in medieval times most women didn't marry into their late teens and even in their early twenties. It was very uncommon even with nobility to marry a child as young as 12. Just because it was legal it's a common misconception that they would get married that young. In this case I think there is something going on that we really don't know about yet.
Yes, she is 12 years old. Marriage, even to this day, with consent from the parents or with or judicial approval, can marry around 12. In Japan it is legal to have sex as early as 13 years old. In the USA consent of sexual acts is 12 (apparently O_O... well in some states) In med-evil times, as soon as you got your menstrual cycle, you are a women and deemed ready for marriage and childbearing. Apparently marriage at that young of age was frowned upon in nobility. The Period (xD) can start around 11-13 however some women could start some where between 11-18 at the latest.
And that's what I keep telling myself, that it is all cool... legally! My opinion might be the same as others, where sex can be ok around 18, marriage... late 20s or 30s, I think those should really think about marriage, cause hopefully, you're with that person "From death do you part"... Also divorcing is so hard I hear, marriage easy xD. Ok... now I'm just literally talking to myself in text now xD