Let me give you a brief summary on the first few chapters at least:
Ch 45- YouYu visits Ed, most likely recognizes who Ryan is (i.e. gay porn actor) as Ryan is leaving with his daughter. While eating YouYu confesses he has something to share with Ed that he is not yet comfortable to say. Ed receives a phone call from MQ, Ed and MQ agree to go see each other tomorrow evening. YouYu listens-in on Ed's side of conversation and later poses some uncomfortable questions to Ed. While Ed answers the questions, he is not comfortable to reveal that he is dating a man.
Chang asks Ed to bring flowers to his brother's grave in a text message as he himself got held up in Hong Kong. Ed later has a beer in a bar with his coworker Derek were they discuss Chang - Ed remembers Chang from the past and in the end confesses to Derek that he doesn't really hate Chang and that he might reconsider his feeling if Chang does something bad again. After leaving the bar Ed he stops by ATM to check his account balance (in preparation to pay for rent/utilities) and is surprised to see 50K there.
Ch 46- Ed visits MQ the same evening and breaches the subject of 50K. They have a conversation on that topic where MQ confirms that he indeed transferred more money than originally agreed (15K+%) because he felt guilty - the DVD has received very positive feedback and people are seeing that MQ and Ed weren't 'just acting' - MQ fears that this potentially might trouble Ed, he feels guilty for inadvertently placing pressure on Ed's shoulders. MQ transferred more money to Ed with a sole hope that such gesture would somehow make things a bit easier to stomach for Ed. MQ asks Ed not to fight/argue over this and Ed agrees that while it's not worth fighting, this issue still should somehow be addressed. Ed acknowledges in his mind that he himself is solely responsible for his own decisions/actions, and that MQ shouldn't take responsibility for that. They talk about the money a bit more and in the end MQ asks/pleads Ed to just accept the money for him, for MQ's piece of mind.
Later they have steamy sex and Ed reflects a bit that while he enjoys sex with MQ greatly, he also feels embarrassed that he gets satisfaction from male cock.
At the very end it is shown that a man in a suit opens 'somebody's' laptop and then shuts it down with force/in anger.
From the details provided it's relatively easy to guess that it is Chang who uses YouYu's laptop without YouYu's permission (disregarding his sticky note warning not to touch it) and that Chang found there something he didn't like at all.
Ch 47- MQ's film "Those Trivial Stories we shared in Ben" (the one they all watched in ch 30) has received various awards, however MQ, aka Cleed Schreiber, refused accepting all of them. MQ explained to Ed that people wouldn't like it if they found out that the protagonist from that film turned into a port creator. They wouldn't like such an ending, it would be a sad finale.
While on the way to the cemetery, at the bus stop, Ed accidentally meets the same reporter from metro. Reporter gushes to Ed about being his fan, etc. and Ed doesn't feel comfortable with all that and moves to enter the bus as soon as he is able. To catch his attention, the reporter mentions MQ's film - that it depicts a real story of a man Ed 'knows very well' and that he is ready to spill the beans over a beer. Ed is surprised/shaken at the news (that reporter has this scoop) but otherwise doesn't react and drives away in the bus.
While on the way to cemetery Ed recalls his childhood as well as acknowledges he doesn't like going there (visiting Chang brother's grave). By the grave he is surprised to meet Chang, who is drenched in rain. Ed places flowers on the grave and Chang responds that he successfully finished work in Hong Kong and - asks Ed to take the flowers and get the hell out, that he's disgusted... Ed doesn't understand, disregards Chang's bad mood and asks for a clarification, however Chang snaps and grabs/chokes him. Ed frees himself by punching Chang in the stomach and demands for an explanation. That's when Chang reveals/indicates that he has seen Ed's porn and that there is no point to pretend and lie Ed didn't do it.
Chang walks away and Ed reminisces on a certain moment in the past where Chang had said Ed must do everything he can to return the debt (including selling his own body), therefore Chang has no right to judge him.
After that Ed meets-up with MQ for the agreed date, who is immediately concerned as he notices that something is wrong. Ed lies about what happened to him and as MQ calls him on the lie, Ed still tells yet another lie, a more believable one this time. MQ lets it go/believes him and they change the subject, go on their date - due to lack of time they decide to go straight to the house where the latest porn film was taken (same place MQ had made a phone call to Ed in ch 46).
The chapter ends with Ed thinking that he's not regretting being with MQ, that he wants to be next to him and with him. I believe/interpreting that MQ notices that Ed is shaken up/seeking comfort and gives that to him by hugging him.
Do you want me to summarize next few chapters tomorrow?

Omg I just came back and saw this! Thank you so much dude, that's a lot you've typed! <3 I finally don't feel so confused anymore!

Btw I'd love more spoilers because you summarized it super well, but I'd feel sorry for asking you to type that much again ╥﹏╥ ~ <3

Gals and guys(?), for consistency sake + easier tracking I'm replying to my own comment and will summarize next few chapters then- ch 48-49.
Ch 48- Ed and MQ are the same house, fireplace was lit, Ed just took a shower and MQ is undressing to dry his own wet clothes. MQ regrets that the rain spoiled their evening, that they weren't able to walk along the seaside, Ed says not to worry - they have plenty of time to come here some other day. Ed notices a script on a desk and recalls that he has seen something similar already on MQ's laptop once (in ch 22). MQ comments that he has a different copy at home that he will give Ed to read as this copy is so drenched it has become unreadable. They also casually discuss details about the house they're currently in and as MQ stokes the fire he comments that none of them can stay here overnight due to their work commitments. Ed asks how they will spend their remaining time at this house and MQ suggests having sex (they haven't done it on the floor yet) and Ed agrees fast. MQ talks dirty during sex - about Ed's lewd body/ass and sex drive, his observations how Ed acts during sex and responds to MQ.
After the hot and steamy sex they lie by the fire and Ed brings-up the topic of the script again - whether 'it's the same one that MQ previously wrote'. MQ is a little surprised that Ed is aware of it as he doesn't recall showing it to Ed before - Ed explains that he had accidentally seen it that evening when he came to borrow the DVD (ch 22).
MQ asks since when is Ed in love with him and why. Ed replies he doesn't have an accurate answer to those two questions, then after some prodding reveals that he first realized he was in love with MQ at the dawn after sleeping together (when Ed proposed MQ to sleep together in ch 28/29) right after MQ had asked whether Ed liked him. MQ comments that he had acted like a total idiot that time and Ed politely/indirectly agrees. MQ is happy that Ed still fell in love with him (despite MQ acting like an idiot) and kisses Ed.
Ed asks whether this finished script is also based on MQ's life and and MQ replies that yes - to some extent. MQ then comments that it's not fair he knows so little about Ed and asks Ed to talk about himself - his childhood.
The chapter ends with Ed starting to talk about his childhood and last picture of MQs smartphone - 8 missed calls and 2 text messages from Jennifer: 'Pick up the phone!' and 'Where are you now?'
Ch 49- Starts with TV News coverage where it is revealed that the biggest cinematography sensation, the person who created the popular and award-winning film "Those Trivial Stories we shared in Bed" turned out to be a porn star, creator of porn and successful porn company owner - MQ - and that society is 'deeply shocked' with such news. MQ is attacked my reporters from all sides as he enters his office(?) house. It is revealed that McQueen.com site is still down due to traffic overload. Holding a newspaper Jennifer asks MQ why is he showing up only now, why wasn't he picking up his phone and whether 'this' (the news) is true. Instead of answering, MQ asks him to close the homepage. Jennifer shouts how could he, why MQ didn't say a word to him, what about paid membership and subscribers, however MQ only repeats his request about closing the site.
Ed in the meantime is also facing scrutiny, his phone melting from everyone calling him. He got fired from his job, was insulted by the boss, then insulted by his angry friend Derek (who caught Ed as he was leaving). Bitter Ed taunts him instead of explaining himself and Derek hits him in the face. As Ed walks home, he acknowledges that even though the world hasn't changed, his own life will never be the same as it was before today. Ed also feels relieved he doesn't have a family that would have been disappointed in him. In his mind he thanks Chang, because witnessing first-hand how much he now detested/hated Ed in a way helped Ed foresee and prepare for today.
Ed then starts to doubt/question MQ- did he knew yesterday that the shit would hit the fan today? Was this why MQ had offered to go on a trip together, to escape this madness?
At home Ed talks to Ryan: Ed reveals he was fired, that MQ's phone is turned off. Ryan is miffed that Ed doesn't blame MQ for anything that's happened to him and Ed confirms that indeed he is not angry with MQ, that MQ is also hurting now, too. Ryan further comments that it's quite laughable how deeply Ed has tangled himself into the net of illusions created by MQ. He badmouths MQ and how far MQ is willing to go to earn money, that MQ had to be aware that Ed's videos would become worldwide because McQueen Entertaintment has global audience. Ed asks, 'so what'? And Ryan hammers the nail down by saying 'MQ knew exactly what would happen to you'. Ed asks why does Ryan hate MQ so much and Ryan merely answers with a different question 'have you ever heard of a man who is trying to get over and overcome his experience of abuse/rape that had happened to him in the past?'
Next day Ed takes a break from his job searches and watches a DVD film 'Perfection' with MQ and Ryan in lead roles, which turns out to be unusual porn - more like a documentary film. This film turns out to be based on a true abuse/rape story and Ed ponders why MQ would make such a film - did he do it for money, fame or was he looking for new artistic approaches/challenges through porn? As Ed watches the revolting film he ponders what the victims+Ryan would think about it - would they feel placated somewhat? Smile coldly and cynically? Or would they be shocked and hate MQ?
Ed acknowledges that MQs phone is turned-off for two days straight now and the chapter ends with a knock on Ed's door only to reveal that MQ has come.
That's it for now from me, do you all want another summary tomorrow for the next couple of chapters? :)

"That's it for now from me, do you all want another summary tomorrow for the next couple of chapters?"
Oh please yes. Thank you so much for writing these well-written summaries.
If possible, could you also maybe write a summary of the future chapters in the novel? Or just at least for the summary of the ending in the novel. I really really want to know if they (Ed and MQ) will have a happy ending together.

Yes! thank you so much! ><

Hi All, here's part #3 of my summaries, ch 50 for today (this one has a LOT of text and almost everything is important, hence the leeengthy summary ^^; ):
Ch 50- Ed was worried that he couldn't get through to MQ via the phone and MQ explains that his battery had died due to so many incoming calls from everybody. Ed acknowledges how tired MQ looks and he wishes to feel sorry for MQ, feel emphatic towards him, feel relieved/content (of finally meeting/hearing from MQ) - however Ed feels none of that.
MQ proposes to go out somewhere and have dinner as Ed hasn't eaten anything and MQ himself is starving, too. As they're having dinner at some cafe(?) there's a TV running with the sound on - the news reports on MQ and his film. Ed asks where MQ was and MQ responds indicating he was at the production company in Philadelphia, however even there there was a horde of people interested in the topic. MQ doesn't understand - is his work (the award-winning film) really worth such media ruckus? MQ then asks Ed about the paper notes on his table, whether Ed is searching for a new job and Ed confirms he had been officially fired yesterday. Ed starts to explain that he has been trying to search for job vacancies and that while the there are some available... he cuts himself off saying that he'll figure something out.
MQ carefully breaches the subject and asks Ed if he would consider to try and work with MQ. Ed freezes and checks whether it would have anything to do with porn, to which MQ answers that he's not talking about acting, but about the work relating production.
Ed indicates that working in porn industry is not his cup of tea anymore, to which MQ summarizes that Ed regrets having done porn.
Ed briefly internally analyses MQs offer (including the fact that MQ hadn't made any other offers) and recalls Ryan's words as the man was leaving the condo yesterday (Ryan said it was okay to partly hate MQ + that if Ryan had hated only himself for everything that had happened to him, he would have been in some mental institution by now).
The scene changes to Ed and MQ standing silently at the bridge, looking at the scenery. Ed recognizes in his mind why they're silent - they both understand that at a current situation any words, no matter the topic, will only bring pain and hurt.
Ed recalls countless internet articles about MQ he had seen and thinks that - no matter how ugly it may sound - that MQ is paying for his actions now. Ed recalls that he had honestly congratulated MQ when he found out about MQ's script being picked-up for a film; yet now that Ed's own life went down the drain - this changed situation likely forced Ed to look with cold eyes at MQ (for his efforts to become greater, reach new highs).
Ed eventually starts a topic that he knows himself is a mistake to start at this awful moment in time and as he speaks the words, internally Ed chastises himself not to continue, to stop, however each time he still continues to talk:
Ed says that he watched the film ('Perfection', with MQ and Ryan) and that making that film must've been a very hurtful experience for Ryan; Ed felt as if Ryan was used.
MQ asks whether, after watching that film, Ed is looking at MQ through different eyes now, that MQ looks different to him or that MQ is no better than that rapist from the film? MQ goes ahead and asks Ed not to beat around the bush and tell him straight what he feels.
Ed asks MQ straight out how far is he willing to go to sell his porn? Ed sees MQ's shocked expression, that he has hurt him by opening old wounds, yet continues to drive on:
Ed further asks MQ whether he feels better doing things this way, whether MQ feels as if he's reaching for new heights, that MQ's work somehow gets closer to art? Ed acknowledges internally that he is getting sick satisfaction from purposely hurting MQ with his words and is choking with guilt all at the same time.
MQ responds to not mix art into this matter and that Ed should just confess that he's hating MQ now for the awful situation Ed has found himself in. Obviously hurt, MQ challenges Ed that he must've learned some more words from Ryan to seriously rill MQ up and to go ahead and say them.
As Ed keeps silent MQ proceeds to talk then: about Ed's feelings of being exploited and used - does Ed think he'll feel relieved if he shifts all blame and all his shame onto MQ? MQ goes on to say that fine, Ed can go ahead and blame him if he wants to, but Ed should not claim to not have known/been aware of anything - MQ did not force or beg Ed to film porn.
MQ then snaps and shouts at Ed that he (MQ) can't take all the weight onto himself -Ed's personal feelings of guilt, his remorse - all because Ed is special to MQ.
Ed thinks internally that however ugly or bad it may sound, he still hopes to receive some comfort from MQ, even if it meant MQ hurting himself in the process.
Ed acknowledges to MQ that Ed himself is indeed at fault but nonetheless he was hoping that somebody would stop him. Ed also elaborates that maybe MQ felt relieved after transferring him 50K, however he himself felt on the contrary.
Internally Ed acknowledges he is unable to stop the venom/resentment coming out from him and whispers to MQ's ear that he (Ed) is just as ugly/appalling as other people who played other roles or those who were doing the filming and that MQ, who is fully exploiting the whole situation, is just as appalling as his added price for his porno.
Ed then shouts to MQ that all this media commotion and articles are just punishment for MQ's actions. He continues, that 'Sensation Transference' DVD apparently was merely just another selling product for MQ and that all that MQ has done up till now - everything was done solely for exploitation purposes, a means to earn more money, just like a regular pimp would do. Ed goes on to say that initially he didn't believe Ryan, but now Ed's not sure anymore. The porn that Ed had seen where Ryan and MQ had acted made Ed feel incredibly shitty, however MQ, on the other hand, will likely be able to continue to live as a pimp leading the porn industry.
Ed then shouts again that he (Ed) must now somehow be able to earn for a living in this fucked-up reality and survive.
While Ed catches his breath and MQ says he didn't realize that Ed was thinking so lowly of him. MQ explains that he never felt ashamed for the filmed porn and that he didn't think of it as being trash. That he simply didn't want to tie himself exclusively to porn only.
MQ touches Ed's bottom lip and says that he had almost believed Ed's words about love. He leans to say into Ed's ear that he won't lose anything because of Ed's hatred towards him or Ed's such low opinion of him - throughout his life MQ had already encountered a lot of ugly people with similar views (i.e. he survived them). Even though Ed managed to get under his skin, now MQ won't care anymore because as Ed has said - MQ 'merely used him'.
Ed goes on to say that MQ is right, but at the same time he (Ed) was feeling especially hurt because it was MQ [[not clear to me what Ed had in mind here - whether the fact that MQ himself acted in 'Perfection'? That it felt like MQ aka his boyfriend was making money off him? That MQ didn't stop him from doing more porn? Something else?]]
MQ turns and walks away after Ed utters these words.
Ed acknowledges internally that parting on such a note means The End for them. Ed then finally realizes that by using such words as pimp or trash he went way too far/crossed a line.
Ed runs after MQ thinking that if he were to ask for forgiveness, maybe he would be forgiven, that MQ would calm down. Ed grabs MQ's hand, gets him to look at Ed and from the look on MQ's face (disappointment, hurt, anger?) Ed instantly realizes there's no chance of being forgiven, no way to return back.
Aaand this is how ch 50 ended, if you stayed with me and read it all till the end.. :)
Want another summary tomorrow?
Everyone on here discussing plot from chapter 50+ while I'm dying for continuation after 45 like, I don't even know what's happening aaah! (/TДT)/