It's Finally Happening!!!

13symphony13 February 25, 2020 9:33 am

Finally! I've been pulling my hair out for forever, but especially during this story arc. But they're so close. And she gripped onto his hand at the end too! I think I'll die if this goes sideways...

    Morcheeba February 28, 2020 8:22 pm

    You know, you're right. At first I read your comment and thought "Pray tell, how could this go sideways when they let out everything with a loud and satisfying bang?"
    And then I remembered...Nakamura-san's creativity.
    At this point it is undoubtedly possible that she slips, falls and forgets everything... or he does. Her father has not yet entered the scene. There is unlimited potential to escalate sideways.
    ( ̄∇ ̄")

    13symphony13 March 1, 2020 6:25 am
    You know, you're right. At first I read your comment and thought "Pray tell, how could this go sideways when they let out everything with a loud and satisfying bang?"And then I remembered...Nakamura-san's creat... Morcheeba

    No! No amnesia. She's already used that on Tsukasa in TCP. And she and Ryuji got together much more quickly than these two despite that. I'm pretty sure I'd combust if that happened to Kyoko... Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Mavikelebek March 6, 2020 10:27 pm
    You know, you're right. At first I read your comment and thought "Pray tell, how could this go sideways when they let out everything with a loud and satisfying bang?"And then I remembered...Nakamura-san's creat... Morcheeba

    Damnnn. İ coulfnt see that coming. İ hope it won't.... İ REALLY hope it won't. İ EXTREMELY SİNCERELLY hope he will cut it quick