well... it was fine until he actually started acting like a "slut", not caring who he fuck...

CuteDevil February 27, 2020 10:30 am

well... it was fine until he actually started acting like a "slut", not caring who he fucks(well his body not caring while his mind just cant resist even if he kinda tries). i would have liked it if he only got that "aching" with Aroku and no one else. well if was a fun read until ch 10 or 11, but now im dropping it and never reading it again

i actually had to rewrite/add a sentence cause people just would leave it for what it was, a passing comment i made right after reading the story, i didn't think i would have to explain the whole story, just say my thoughts after reading it, but apparently that was wrong and adding this will probably just create more drama but im a bit tired of it

    no idea February 23, 2020 7:08 pm

    The whole point is that his past live is basically forcing him to be a slut like that past live used to be

    Lust after me February 23, 2020 7:46 pm

    I agree with you 100%

    Tmsmyaoi February 23, 2020 8:52 pm

    Sorry, the manga is different than what you put. Actually, it is his body and not him. Therefore, he did not act like that.. He tried to resist and wanting Aroku to save him. He did not want it. So, he does care who he has sex with. Plus, the lubricant could had some affect??
    And like no idea said, it is from his past live. If you don’t like it that is fine but please don’t create a reason to stop reading it and mislead others.

    CuteDevil February 23, 2020 10:31 pm
    Sorry, the manga is different than what you put. Actually, it is his body and not him. Therefore, he did not act like that.. He tried to resist and wanting Aroku to save him. He did not want it. So, he does... Tmsmyaoi

    so i cant tell people my opinion? cause thats all i did and you're saying im in the wrong for saying it.

    even if its "only" his body acting like that, he cant resist it. and again, just my opinion here, "I" dont like stories that have elements like that. so im not "creating" a reason to stop reading, im "telling" the reason why IM stopping. so maybe my opinion can be taken as misleading but i still dont think people will read my comment and be like "nope im not reading this cause this one person said this", they are gonna read it and have there own opinion. maybe they will hate it, or maybe they will like/love it, and thats fine, but im allowed to have my opinion and tell people about, it as long as im not being rude or mean, and im pretty sure i wasnt?

    Tmsmyaoi February 23, 2020 11:05 pm
    so i cant tell people my opinion? cause thats all i did and you're saying im in the wrong for saying it. even if its "only" his body acting like that, he cant resist it. and again, just my opinion here, "I" don... CuteDevil

    For one you were not rude just straying from the facts. For another I never said anything about you did not have a right to share your opinion. I never said you were wrong to share your opinions. ?!?!

    Just because you got angry and the comments strayed from the actually content. Does not give you the right to lash out on me and make it look like I said somethings I did not say or even indicate.

    You are welcome to share your comments, opinions, thoughts. Etc but I hope in facts and not straying from them. Because he did care and he did try to resist. A slut is a derogatory slur against woman’s meaning “woman who has many casual sexual partners” First he is not a woman, he is not acting slutty nor dressing or looking etc, he only had one sexual partner. But his past live was force to have many causal sexual partners.

    Again, I never said your were wrong in sharing your opinions. I just said what you put didn’t correspond to what actually is happening. If I was tell you anything it would be don’t stray from the truth. Believe it or not there are some people who read these and are influenced. They will believe comments and not read for themselves because they would trust others. You have the power to influence others and to help others. Your comments have a greater effect on people than you think.

    CuteDevil February 24, 2020 9:32 am
    For one you were not rude just straying from the facts. For another I never said anything about you did not have a right to share your opinion. I never said you were wrong to share your opinions. ?!?! Just beca... Tmsmyaoi

    im sorry if i sounded aggressive, cause thats not what i meant to do, and i dont think i was but i guess you took it like that.

    and they throw around the word "slut" and "slutty" in the manga right? so sure, he isnt a woman, nor dressing slutty, but his body was that of a "slut". he, or his body in this case, wants to have sex and it didnt matter who it was with, even if his mind didnt want it he still ,almost, had sex with someone he didnt want to,(very close to rape, which i dont read cause personal reasons) sure its just his body craving it but, still, i dont like things like that, its not just this one manga, ive drooped many promising mangas cause they have elements of that.

    if he was able to ignore the "aching" and only be with Aroku i would be fine with it, but he cant resist it, like at all and i dont like that way the story was going so im stopping, im not saying others shouldn't give it a try, cause they might see it in another way, like you do, but this is how "I" see it. so how can i mislead people when im just saying how i see the story? everyone see and react differently to stories and this is just how i see it. is it maybe the incorrect way? sure maybe. but its still how i see it XD

    and i still dont think my one comment will stop that many people, cause people dont just read one comment and make there decision, they read like 10-15 comment to see if they should read it or not, and i think most comments are positive for this manga? they might be wary after reading mine, but it wont stop them.

    and just a little side not, you might have noticed that i use " " when saying "slut" and "slutty", and that is cause thats how they actually describe it in the story, they are the ones calling him a slut and that hes acting slutty, im just using their words.

    i wont answer more cause i have a feeling im not getting my point across and this will just go in a circle, me trying to explain without sounding aggressive (and failing i guess, again sorry) and you trying to "correct" the reason why i dont like the story, then my trying to explain why i dont like it for you once again telling me my reason is misleading

    and i feel like i have to say it again, im not aggressive OR angry while typing this, i dont really care but i noticed that every time i write my opinion, not just on this manga, i sound aggressive or im at least taken as im aggressive. and im really not XD i think its just the way i write, so please dont take this the wrong way.

    no idea February 24, 2020 3:41 pm

    As the person who may or may not has caused this I wanted to say sorry, I just commented because I thought you may have misunderstood the story and I just wanted to make sure this story isn't being misunderstood and miss treated for that. Since you said you have your reasons, I just hope you are doing well and have many feel good, fluffy mangas to read. I fear I may have come of as aggressive in my initial comment, which honestly I kinda was, I was getting frustrated because I kept seeing people that I thought had misunderstood the story and were dropping it because of that. Again sorry.

    This is one of my favorites, it has supernatural elements too and their relationship is really cute and pure.

    Jesss February 24, 2020 4:21 pm

    I agree with you, I'm dropping this too. I get why it's being done, just not my kind of story. No matter how turned on he is, he really can't at least fight to not do it? I get the feeling that will be the theme of this story. He gets close to being raped/ giving into his past self's demands, and is "saved" in the nick of time.

    Nothing wrong with expressing your opinion. I wish I had seen your comment before reading this manga. It helps people out to see comments like yours.

    Tmsmyaoi February 24, 2020 4:49 pm
    As the person who may or may not has caused this I wanted to say sorry, I just commented because I thought you may have misunderstood the story and I just wanted to make sure this story isn't being misunderstoo... no idea

    I want to say I am sorry. I don’t think it anything to do with you. But I would had posted and I think it was my first comment being misunderstood because i never said CuteDevil had no right to voice a their opinions and I never said they were wrong voicing their opinions. I just told them the manga is different.

    I think your comment was fine and I do understand that you wanted to help a misunderstanding, and make sure it was not mistreated.

    Tmsmyaoi February 24, 2020 5:06 pm
    im sorry if i sounded aggressive, cause thats not what i meant to do, and i dont think i was but i guess you took it like that.and they throw around the word "slut" and "slutty" in the manga right? so sure, he ... CuteDevil

    “and i still dont think my one comment will stop that many people”. I seen it happened many times and Jesss would had been the proof of it.
    This is assuming “i wont answer more cause i have a feeling im not getting my point across and this will just go in a circle, me trying to explain without sounding aggressive (and failing i guess, again sorry) and you trying to "correct" the reason why i dont like the story, then my trying to explain why i dont like it for you once again telling me my reason is misleading”.
    I was not correct your reason to dislike a story. I was saying the manga is different. I said “but please don’t create a reason to stop reading it and mislead others.” I know people would change the facts to dislike someone. That is what I seen you do and I assumed, I guess. I am sorry you took me the wrong way and made many assumptions but maybe ask what I meant would had been better. This had nothing to do with you opinion.

    You put “. not caring who he fucks.” He was saying and thinking he did not want this. Told the new Seme to stop. He did care and he even thought I don’t want this Aroku. He expresses his concern when he thought his body will do that with anyone and not just Aroku after he save him.
    If you would had put “was fine until his body actually started acting like a "slut", not caring who he fucks while his mind is resisted”. Or “was fine until his body actually started acting like a "slut", and can’t fight it even though he cares who he fucks.
    I would had been fine and never commented.

    Tmsmyaoi February 24, 2020 5:11 pm
    I agree with you, I'm dropping this too. I get why it's being done, just not my kind of story. No matter how turned on he is, he really can't at least fight to not do it? I get the feeling that will be the t... Jesss

    I know the Spanish raws are up to 31 or 32. I have not looked at them to tell you if your right or not. But I got a feeling you are.

    Every one had the right to express their opinions. I never said cute devil was wrong or could not express it. Thanks for your comment. And thanks for saying “I wished I had seen your comment before reading this manga. It helps people out to see comments like yours. “ one comment has the ability to change someone’s mind. One comment has the ability to effect people more than you think.
    Thank you for your comment

    Jesss February 24, 2020 6:34 pm
    I know the Spanish raws are up to 31 or 32. I have not looked at them to tell you if your right or not. But I got a feeling you are. Every one had the right to express their opinions. I never said cute devil w... Tmsmyaoi

    <3 I read so much yaoi that I like predicting what's coming up in the story. Lol stories tend to repeat themselves so you can usually tell when you'll like a story early on.

    207 February 25, 2020 2:16 am

    Lol, I understand where you're coming from big time. I thought I was the only one who was going to drop this after reading those chapters.
    It was really fun but he really did change and I didn't like that.

    207 February 25, 2020 2:19 am
    “and i still dont think my one comment will stop that many people”. I seen it happened many times and Jesss would had been the proof of it. This is assuming “i wont answer more cause i have a feeling im n... Tmsmyaoi

    Lol, I don't have time to read this entire comment but you're changing up your point, at first you meant a single comment like that person can discourage someone from reading a manga but Jesss clearly read the manga already and said they agreed with them and also agreed on dropping it. It's not like Jesss said they would drop without reading the manga.

    Tmsmyaoi February 25, 2020 3:50 am
    Lol, I don't have time to read this entire comment but you're changing up your point, at first you meant a single comment like that person can discourage someone from reading a manga but Jesss clearly read the ... 207

    No, I didn’t change my point or changing up my point. First you said you don’t have time to read the entire comment so you missed things and then you missed Jesss’ last paragraph. It was not that Jesss had read the story, it was their last paragraph. Jesss said “ I wish I had seen your comment before reading this manga. It helps people out to see comments like yours.”. Jesss would have to explain but One could get the meaning if Jesss read their comment first, they would not had read or meant they were for warned before reading. (And dropping it a lot sooner than they did)
    Besides that, what Jesss put proved one of my points. And I said “ Believe it or not there are some people who read these and are influenced. They will believe comments and not read for themselves because they would trust others. You have the power to influence others and to help others. Your comments have a greater effect on people than you think.” Jess has proved what I was saying, Digital love has proved what I was saying. So many others as because my point comes from the comments I have seen over many years on here.
    And sorry since you said you did not read the entire comment and did not include Jesss’ last part in the summary you provided, you can say I am changing up my point, your opinion but it does not make it true. I could say you said or you own 207 elephants with rainbow trunks doesn’t make it true, just a false statement.

    Tmsmyaoi February 25, 2020 3:54 am
    <3 I read so much yaoi that I like predicting what's coming up in the story. Lol stories tend to repeat themselves so you can usually tell when you'll like a story early on. Jesss

    I have read so many over the years also and I try not to predict them. Because some does end differently. There has been a few I thought I would like but Disliked by the 4 or 5 chapter. And then there has been a few I disliked and ended up liking them a few chapters in.

    Tmsmyaoi February 25, 2020 3:55 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Digital love

    Thank you for your kindness and understanding of what happen.

    Tmsmyaoi February 25, 2020 4:19 am

    I am a factual person. I like it when things are truthful. That is the reason I stood up against “ until he actually started acting like a "slut", not caring who he fucks.“ because he did care and it was body not him.

    Then many things in this topic said against me is not true, and the evidence of the comments sides with me. I never said someone was wrong to have an opinion or was wrong to share their opinion. I never tried to change a reason for someone to drop it. I never changed up what I was saying.
    But the first two are from someone that could had been thinking I was attacking them and their views and I wasn’t. The second said they did not fully read the entire thing. Why twisted everything when I was sharing my thoughts and caring for others and caring for the facts and not attacking anyone or their opinions.

    207 February 25, 2020 5:18 am
    No, I didn’t change my point or changing up my point. First you said you don’t have time to read the entire comment so you missed things and then you missed Jesss’ last paragraph. It was not that Jesss h... Tmsmyaoi

    Yeah again lol, don't gonna read all of this. I read it as what I said and it really didn't call for any of this. CuteDevil was just saying their opinion, no need to attack it. If you know that similar things happen you should already know how to also deal with similar comments. Though I understand your long way of explaining since I become like that when some immature person comments something idiotic on a manga, today isn't one of those days for me to read through all of this. Also when I said attack and I didn't mean like you literally just said mean things lol, I meant like you jumped on it, so don't take it the wrong way.
    But, you agreed with no one and you were basically agreed with CuteDevil as well and these replies should've ended there. Not continue with these long explanations.
    They don't like it because of the slutty way he became and no one said it was because of his past self, which still means he's doing these actions, not his body alone, nor his mind alone

    Tmsmyaoi February 25, 2020 5:41 am

    I did not attack their opinion. Lol I have respected you and read all of your messages. Where you have disrespected me. I did not attack anyone: I did not say mean things. I did not jump one attacking anyone. How do I agree with no one and basically agree with cutedevil??

    The one being attacked is me and the one having words twisted around on is me.
    This has nothing to do with their opinions. “no one said it was because of his past self”. Yes there was a comment that said that, story indicated as well. “which still means he's doing these action, not his body alone, nor his mind alone”. The story goes against that.