First normal shoujo manga in a while...

IwillShatterYourBrokenHeart February 23, 2020 3:37 am

I really like the MC she is tries her best and it makes me want to root for her. I like that she learned from her past and wants to change. I see some comment disliking when she jumped from the stairs to get to the ML but I liked it. It was proof that she had changed and has become more daring.
I also like the reasons why she likes the ML not only because he saved her but because he would have helped anyone. That says something about his character. Plus it's a change from the normal "he's so hot. I'm in love" trope.

    Kaito.Hat March 3, 2020 4:32 am

    Ahh, yeah I get you. She's shy but a go-getter! Ya love to see it.

    And the stair hopping might've been a little extra, but I don't expect shoujo to be a 100% accurate depiction of real life actions, so I'm not too pressed about it, and it does reflect her character growth which is admirable.

    I also like the love interest! He isn't a pretty boy asshole, which is a refreshing change, and he's genuinely kind too! Rare indeed.