PetitFae February 21, 2020 2:36 am

This manga has no right being this fricking awesome. I can't get over how much I love the art. Every emotion is seen plain as day on their face, which may not seen like it takes that much talent, but some artists really struggle with having their characters convey strong emotions. I could feel the pain in Kei's eyes when Naruse admits he almost believed that Kei felt something for him when they made love. Which was right, he actually felt something and was forgetting that this was his job.
When I realized that Naruse was using the service because he was struggling deeply with his sexuality and felt like no one would ever love him (same honestly), it hit not just close to home, it actually exploded said home.
This story doesn't really delve deep into it, but it does an amazing job at realistically illustrating the type of homophobia that I believe is rampant in Japan. Homophobia stemmed from deep ignorance and lack of representation. The person who was typing into the phone about seeing "homos" is a perfect example of someone who has a twisted understanding of reality. We walk by gay people all the time. Just because someone isn't dressed like a rainbow doesn't mean they aren't gay. Considering that Japanese culture is extremely reserved to the point where people will go missing on purpose just to escape the pressure they feel from their everyday lives, it's completely understanding that gay people would be in the closet. This manga, via Naruse's tearful monologue says so much about what many gay people struggle with.
I'm always going to love stories that make me feel something. This story, in addition to being hilarious, is a genuinely good story with well written characters that are easy to love and make you want the best for them. I usually go out of my way to buy manga that is not released in English, when I really like it. I really want to buy this manga. Didn't really look when reading it, but I usually write down the ISBN and search on Bookfinder and I pretty much always find a site to buy it. If there is a physical copy for it (cause a lot of manga, much to my chagrin, is exclusively digital) then I will buy a hard copy of it, which is saying a lot.

    ☆fUjhOsHi☆ February 21, 2020 2:51 am

    I didn't read everything but i totally agree with you!