Chihiro is so cute and so on..., but why does he have to stick his nose in others’ life?...

Morg__01 February 20, 2020 5:31 pm

Chihiro is so cute and so on..., but why does he have to stick his nose in others’ life? I know he has only good intentions, but if I was I Arada or Reo’s place I wound the like it...

    shadowreaper February 21, 2020 1:54 am

    you I think Chihiro is like a bunny their cute and like to stick their nose in other peoples business but that's what makes bunnies (Chihiro) adorable this really doesn't make sense does it

    iSexy February 21, 2020 5:04 pm

    Heh, don't think too much about it, Chihiro's simple and honest to a fault. Also him sticking into Arata's business is what started the story and made Arata fall in love, so take it for what it is. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    shadowreaper February 21, 2020 11:10 pm
    Heh, don't think too much about it, Chihiro's simple and honest to a fault. Also him sticking into Arata's business is what started the story and made Arata fall in love, so take it for what it is. ╮( ̄▽�... iSexy

    i tend to over think things to much ╥﹏╥