
PeanutButter February 20, 2020 4:36 pm

She could have been the strong FL who would change that fricking society but here she is, just playing the Mary Sue role in front of the MLs' eyes. It's annoying and I don't know how some people can root for someone like that, even though she isn't bad, she just isn't interesting. The story show a lot of her but I don't feel the FL vibe.

The plot isn't great neither. The author should have written plots that will help the FL grow and be more expressive but instead it's just for the MLs to fawn over her more than they already have.

I read all of this story (for now at chap 172) and if you ask me to point out the differences between the FL at the beginning and rightnow then I only have 2 things to say:

1. She got older
2. She obtain the holy power out of pure luck

    Lara's Dreams February 21, 2020 4:25 pm

    I totally agree, I no longer have the impression of following Jinsu's story. At the beginning I loved the concept of being reincarnated in a totally sexist world, and then changing it thanks to the arrival of Sanghee. But nan she continues to remain the girl saved by a beautiful prince charming and reassured me she is well aware that she has a power to save millions see billions of women undergo the domination of men. I hope in the next chapter that Sanghee does not stay there without doing anything.. ヽ (`Д´) ノ

    Lara's Dreams February 21, 2020 4:26 pm
    I totally agree, I no longer have the impression of following Jinsu's story. At the beginning I loved the concept of being reincarnated in a totally sexist world, and then changing it thanks to the arrival of S... Lara's Dreams

    Sorry my english is bad T^T